our true selves.

March 28th, 2009

our true selves.


March 28th, 2009

New character

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Hey everyone! This is Amy, also known as [info]demonic_eyes, or Rick Hardwell for those who know him.

I bring you a new character into the mix! His name is Michael Collins, he's played by Adam Pascal, he's a New York City detective, and he is the reincarnation of Rorschach from Watchmen.

[info]ink_blot_test: Just add him right there. Yay.

Have at him guys xD

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This is Misha, coming out of hiatus to intro a new boy. (All is status quo, up here in Ohio. My grandfather is hanging on, and has periods of lucidity. Last night he was able to tell us it's 2009 and Obama is President. He's in Hospice care, now, though, and we're playing the waiting game. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and what not. i really do appreciate it!)

I'm not officially off hiatus, because I don't know when I might be forced offline for stretches at a time, and what not, but I want to play when I can, so. I'm here, for the moment. The hotel has wifi, but if I end up at my aunt's house I may lose that luxury.

Anyway. This is Eden Harris, who has the misfortune of having a split personality in his head. He has Edward Albright, from My Own Worst Enemy in his brain, and since Edward and his alter ego Henry Spivey are a matched set, Eden got both of them. Edward is a government secret agent (read: spy) while Henry is his civilian personality. The two personalities were once controlled by a switch in Edward's head, but the show (short lived and prematurely killed though it was) had the switch malfunction. Poor Eden is thus subject to either Edward or Henry at any given moment, without warning.

He's a doctor, and you can imagine Edward and Henry complicate matters greatly. Edward might be able to BS his way through some medical jargon, but Henry? Not so much. It should be interesting. Eden is based in London, and though I haven't mentioned it to Coll (who is sitting about three feet behind me right now) I'm thinking he's one of Dominic's regulars. I imagine those would be some interesting sessions!

Anyway. Please friend Eden here: [info]threeinone if you would. I'm going to make his journal Friends Only, so you'll have to friend him to see his posts. He's up for any plot and what not. Reply here, or contact me through AIM (MeeshZilla) or Email (CelticFaerie2x[at]gmail[dot]com.)

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Hey, gang! I'm Shiloh and I'm bringing in two puppies to the game. First up is Marcus Notaro. I'm using his journal now, so feel free to click on it and read up on him. ;) Marcus in the reincarnation of Eli from the movie/book Let The Right One In. For anyone who hasn't seen the movie, DO IT NOW. Although, it's a (Swedish and subtitled) vampire flick, so that might not be your thing. Anyhoo, Eli is an eternally twelve-year-old vampire who identifies as a girl and wears dresses, but is actually a boy who was castrated when he was turned into a vampire. Nasty stuff. Naturally, the sudden compulsion to wear dresses is a little confusing to Marcus who, up until now, was really not into that kind of thing. Currently, Marcus is working as an executive assistant in good ol' NYC. He's also developing vampire abilities. Funfunfun.

My second character is Naomi Regan ([info]fisemper) who is the reincarnation of John Winchester from the TV series Supernatural. John, before he died on the show and was sent to Hell (and then escaped Hell), was a demon hunter! He travelled the country kicking monster ass and tracking the demon that burned his wife alive. Naomi is a nineteen-year-old college student in LA, majoring in Art History. It's sort of hard to study when you get flashbacks to the Vietnam War or fighting ghosts.

That's about it for now. My AIM is liberate the day, so feel free to ping me. I love to plot. :)
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