our true selves.

March 25th, 2009

our true selves.


March 25th, 2009

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Misha here, announcing an unexpected hiatus. My grandfather is in hospital, not expected to live through the night. It's a 12 hour drive, from here. So.

If you have major CR with my kids, you're free to mod their whereabout as needed. I'll be in touch, I'll have email on my phone, and I'll have the computer with me, so I'll have occasional internet. I'll be around.

His name is John, for any inclined to spare a thought.

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Hi! My name's Mandy and I'm new. I know some of you guys. Anyway, I'm bringing two. Aubrey Delacroix/Sirius Black and Rachel Parker/Parker (from Leverage.. [info]ilikemoney). Aubrey is a normal(ish) high school girl, and Parker is a cop.

I'm a teensy bit nervous because this is the first new game I've joined in... a long time. My AIM is FuzzySpaceKitty! CR/Plot/Whatever is always welcome!
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