May. 3rd, 2015


Dear Tiny Menaces Living in My Home,

A list of important facts for you to remember:

1. Yes, the lights are out.
2. No, I do not know why they are out.
3. Yes, I am going to fix them.
4. No, I do not know how long it will take for me to do this.
5. Yes, you should shut up.
6. No, you cannot make a bonfire in the living room. I don't care if it's "contained."

Auntie Mo

P.S. - These rules will be posted on the fridge.
P.P.S. - If anyone needs me, I will be out by the fucking generator.

Apr. 25th, 2015


This is brilliant! To think a Rift would be opened not only in our lifetime, but here! I've heard some people say they've already started transporting mystical beasts to one of the parks. How fascinating! Certainly one must document such activities, the speed and efficiency in which our newcomers occupy an area is nothing short of astounding. I apologize for all the exclamations, but I simply cannot fathom it. Has anyone had the pleasure of speaking to one of our new arrivals?

Though I am concerned for the now seven deceased Enchanters who have tried to enter the Otherworld, two of them our own Alliance kin. I know not all of us are educated as to the perils of such objects, but I would think someone with the resources would be more cautious. It is a shame to have lost them.

Have you had a sudden rush of glamour and talisman sales? I'm sure everyone is desperate to bond. They waste no time.

I was speaking to that jinn fellow - Jeremiah, I think his name is? He says a few of his cousins have come to Vancouver and it is a family reunion five hundred years in the making. To wait that long - it's unimaginable.