April 25th, 2015

[info]otherworldmod in [info]otherworld_com

And So Our Tale Begins...

It's a cool spring morning in Vancouver, British Columbia. A bit nippy, a little rainy, but altogether not that unlike the many mornings before. Spellcasters and shamans alike awake to little commotion, aware that over the night there have been flickering lights throughout portions of the city - the threat of power outages - but that's nothing to bring up over coffee. They wake up at their leisure, most of them enjoying a weekend off from work. Some hit the snooze button, trying to wrangle five more minutes out of their rest before the real world calls them.

For the fae of Earth, it's a different sort of morning. Those in Vancouver have known for some time that there has been a shift in the wind, a change in the energy of the city. Others know it too, because they're flooding in from all the corners of the world - remnant fae of a missing, fantastical world stuck in ours because the last open door existed five hundred years ago.

The Rift begins its formation at the rising of the sun, flickering and pulling energy from all the nearby sources in and around Fraserview Golf Course. Within an hour's time, it is a fully formed portal: opaque, radiating, swirling, and thrumming. Ribbit sets up his chair and waits for the first of all SĂ­dhe Folk to emerge from the other side. It is a Menehune by the name of Alika Klyavalth who steps forward, embracing the title of The Luminary of Clan Taisteal. Ribbit bows to him and imparts upon him the only Glamour of his possession. It is time to get to work.

In the headquarters of the Alliance and the Consortium, Divya Chowdary and Elijah Cobb are roused to events in a different manner. A fae eagerly knocks at the Minister's office door, asking for her attention, telling her, "It is time." As for Cobb, he receives feedback from the many eyes and ears he has sprinkled across the city, and he immediately sends a troop of Enchanters to investigate these claims.

Either way, both know within moments that their world is about to change forever...


Divya Chowdary utilizes modern technology to great advantage, knowing Enchanters have their own networks regardless of and free from affiliation. Cobb knows it too, and both quickly log in.

Though their tones are both similar and completely their own, Enchanters reading their journals this morning will see with great excitement and concern:

A Rift has opened. The fae are coming to Vancouver.


Players are now free to play! Welcome, and please enjoy your stay! Fae may now enter through the Rift or be played as residents of Earth. Enchanters are welcome to react in a plethora of ways: elated, fearful, surprised, confused, devious, concerned. What does this mean for them? For Vancouver? What will happen when Enchanters from across the globe hear the news and start pouring into the city, threatening the stability of the Rift? And what of their newcomers and their homeworld? So many questions, so many secrets exist in the Otherworld.

Please take advantage of the Rumors Page. It is here that rumors, events, and and announcements will be updated regularly.


[info]brimstone_kid in [info]otherworld_com

Enchanter Network

Alright, it's been a while since I been through Enchanter 101 and all, but can somebody tell me what the fuck it means when a "Rift" opens? Are we being invaded by these things? Is Earth gonna get sucked up into one giant fairyland? Are we gonna die?

Well if fairies are taking over as our new overlords, could y'all at least not fuck with the electricity? Power bills are expensive enough as it is around here.

Everything at the Garage okay, Boss? This Rift opening didn't break anything, did it?

[Eirena Shapiro]
Uh, so what do you know about Rifts? And are you and your kid okay?

[info]ofwhitecloth in [info]otherworld_com

This is brilliant! To think a Rift would be opened not only in our lifetime, but here! I've heard some people say they've already started transporting mystical beasts to one of the parks. How fascinating! Certainly one must document such activities, the speed and efficiency in which our newcomers occupy an area is nothing short of astounding. I apologize for all the exclamations, but I simply cannot fathom it. Has anyone had the pleasure of speaking to one of our new arrivals?

Though I am concerned for the now seven deceased Enchanters who have tried to enter the Otherworld, two of them our own Alliance kin. I know not all of us are educated as to the perils of such objects, but I would think someone with the resources would be more cautious. It is a shame to have lost them.

Have you had a sudden rush of glamour and talisman sales? I'm sure everyone is desperate to bond. They waste no time.

I was speaking to that jinn fellow - Jeremiah, I think his name is? He says a few of his cousins have come to Vancouver and it is a family reunion five hundred years in the making. To wait that long - it's unimaginable.

[info]andsoitremains in [info]otherworld_com

Phone Call: Sofia Shapiro
When Sofia answers, Eirena skips the hellos entirely.

So tell me this is insane.

And have mom and dad called you yet? If not, get ready for it.

[info]yellowsunling in [info]otherworld_com

[Wasting no time, Liadine made friends with a couple young, eager Enchanters who introduced her to a computer at an internet cafe.]