Opus Two RPG - November 29th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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November 29th, 2010

[Nov. 29th, 2010|02:12 pm]


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[Mood | exhausted]

*has spent a relatively uneventful couple of weeks hard at work for Vána, her boss not seeming to have made much progress on her own creepy projects lately*

*is feeling awfully drained and listless these days nonetheless, which is a little annoying considering she's not exactly doing hard labor or anything, being mostly cooped up in the shop or a lab during the workday* *thinks she probably should go out drinking a little less and exercise a little more (already eats enough veggies!)*

*takes out her laptop on her lunch break and opens her video conferencing program, having prearranged a time for a chat* *is all smiles as she dials (even though the makeup doesn't really cover up the dark circles around her eyes)*
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[Nov. 29th, 2010|08:56 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*travels with Celeborn and Elmo to Ossiriand, a little bit in advance of the forthcoming game between the Ossiriand Bobcats and the South Delving Groundhogs*

*is the very picture of courtesy during the journey mostly because Elmo's such a nice guy and maybe because she's still sort of grateful to Celeborn for being her date to the dance (and loads of the girls in her class were talking about how hot he is which, seriously? is sort of weird)*

*arrives at Aredhel's house, where she and her dad will be staying for the long weekend (though Gil-galad isn't due to arrive until late tomorrow night)*
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[Nov. 29th, 2010|10:28 pm]
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[Mood | predatory]

*has spent long, glorious months fulfilling her purpose (teach them to fear), and savoring more and more freedom as her Lady loosens her hold from afar (well done, little one)*

*is starting to feel the distinct itch of boredom, though; all of the dark alleys and dive-y bars are beginning to look alike, and there are only so many ways to frighten a mortal without damaging them* *so fucking boring*

*on a whim, creeps past the border of Ossiriand, all of her senses on high alert* *is even better with skulking in shadows than she was before, but still—her last experience in these parts taught her to be extra-cautious*

*drifts through the dark alleys and dive-y bars, finding them to be depressingly similar to those found in the other corners of the world* *finally decides to spice things up a little by heading somewhere a little less... dark and dive-y* *ooh, a college campus, should be plenty of self-absorbed young things in need of some (hee) education!*
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