Opus Two RPG - November 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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November 2nd, 2009

[Nov. 2nd, 2009|03:48 pm]
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*has been in Menegroth for a few days now, and is slowly but surely acclimating to the newness of it all (two fathers and a living mother and a little sister)* *privately suspects he's having more trouble with it all than Elliott is, but then, Elrohir always was the more elastic of the two of them*

*one afternoon, waves Elliott off on an errand with Arwen and their father, leaving just himself, Jason and Celebrían at home* *doesn't feel much like enduring the public squealing his brother's presence causes, even if Arwen is delighted and their father's reactions are priceless, to say the least*

*wanders into the sitting room and settles himself on the piano bench, resting one arm on the closed key-cover* *sighs* *has played a bit for the family, the old lullaby in particular, but thinks there's so much more to be told, and he has no idea how to say it (or even whether he should)*
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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|07:03 pm]


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[Mood | bored]

*for all her claims of acute independence, has been wishing there was someone she could tell about encounters with cute boys and maybe get some answers to a few burning questions* *isn't close enough to any of her girlfriends to gush with them, and she isn't sure whether her mother would be pleased or horrified (and she's not sure which reaction would be worse)*

*some things never change, however, which means another evening and another "family" dinner at her father's house (don't think for a second it belongs to her, too, or even her mother), which generally involves her parents talking to one another with occasional attempts to bring her into the conversation (which her father ignores) or similar attempts to bring her uncle into the conversation (which her mother ignores)*

*waits until her father isn't paying her any attention (it doesn't take long) and poises a pea atop her fork* *slingshots it across the table at Curufin and bites her lip hard to keep the giggles at bay*
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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|07:07 pm]
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*following a somewhat useful session with his star witness number one ("somewhat useful" in that nothing new was presented, but a great many things were confirmed), has decided to move on with star witness number two (or perhaps he should be considered number one, after all)*

*folds his hands neatly atop his open files—Amir and Samantha, as before, and a third detailing the damage to the Houses themselves* *directly and sincerely, as ever* ...you may find some of my questions difficult to answer, but I would ask that you do so as honestly and as completely as possible. A great deal of this project hinges on the details.
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