Opus Two RPG - October 11th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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October 11th, 2008

[Oct. 11th, 2008|12:06 pm]


[Tags|, , , , , , , , , , , ]
[Mood | stressed]

*is still on the phone when he reaches the Flower* Duilien's getting hers under control. Talk to her before any of yours head out that way.

*gets out of his borrowed car and, when he doesn't immediately hear the wail of sirens, realizes the trucks are all at the Harp* *wades through the crowds near the house, looking for Glorfindel*

*stays just long enough to help move some dazed and coughing staffers to relative safety, direct overall personnel traffic via a few more calls, and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel (whole and spouting orders) before he hears the fire trucks in the distance*

*dashes back to the car, a little sooty and ignoring the incessant ringing of his phone in favor of concentrating on the road, assuming it's just Salgant (all right, already, I'm on my way)* *drives toward the Harp as fast as he can take the corners*
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[Oct. 11th, 2008|06:26 pm]


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[Mood | cold]

*is a sodden and soot-streaked mess, and has probably violated at least seventeen different traffic laws, by the time he passes through the Fountain's front gates* (*will definitely be coming up with apologies and bribes for Duilien (ouch, the car seat) and Egalmoth (speed limits are just suggestions, right?) later*)

*did call Ecthelion to update him once the Harp was pretty well under control, and got only a shrill tone and an "out of service" message* *was fairly confused by that (Ecthelion wouldn't turn his phone off, especially now), but figured there would be some kind of explanation when he got in (and he was on his way there anyway)*

*walks (okay, maybe limps a little) into the front foyer, just a tad bit unnerved by the stark emptiness of the place* *calls out, softly and with no small amount of strain (ribs and throat and smoke in the lungs)* Hello? Anybody home? *listens to the muffled sound of footsteps rattling around in the silence* Sir?

*is a little relieved when a staffer scurries out to meet him* Elise, hey, have you seen Ecthelion? ... *frowns* He's still working on the valve? What, did somebody weld it open? *coughs a bit and waves off her concern* No, I'm fine. Mudfight in the street. Anarchy and chaos. You know. The usual. *manages a quick smile* Anyway, file the update for later, I'm going to lend our Lord a hand with that valve.

*with that, turns down a nearby corridor and quickly heads for the door leading down to the basement*
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[Oct. 11th, 2008|08:52 pm]


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[Mood | worried]

*sits quietly in front of the fire, enjoying a peaceful evening with a book*

*suddenly feels a familiar sensation coming and closes her eyes in preparation* *spends a long moment with a far-away look on her face before shaking her head and opening her eyes*

*frowns, looking worried* That isn't good. Someone needs to fetch her.
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