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Feb. 27th, 2015


It’s been a couple of weeks since we relaunched the game, and I just wanted to touch base with everyone. We had a flurry of comments and new characters, but then things slowed down a bit, and I want to make sure everyone is still interested and make sure everyone with new characters and with established ones looking to get back into the action have an opportunity to brainstorm about ideas and ask for suggestions/help to get started.

The Contact List and the Community Timeline have both been updated.

If I’ve missed any of your characters or stories, please let us know and we’ll get it straightened out. I’ve been using Recent Comments to keep up with what’s going on, and every character in Labyrinthine has mod access, so that everyone can do the same.

The one great thing about the characters and storyline is that it’s a tangled happpy mess of connections that provide infinite possibilities, and everyone is just a poke away to get something started or ask any questions.

Do it here or by email, and don’t be shy - trust me, none of us can pull off shy. (and that's a good thing!)


Feb. 25th, 2015


Taaaag meeee

Hey guys!

Totally not posting as a mod today, but rather to draw your attention to the fact that I have top-levels in the GPs sitting all alone and unloved and they need some loving! Badly! Especially Morpheus here who so rarely goes topside, I don't want him to stay all alone in this awfully linear world, even if he does tend to like the madness surrounding D. It's slightly less predictable than the rest of it.

But there's also a Cadi TL in the Society post, and Komos and Charlie in the Well post. They are open to anyone who wants them! And all of them are fairly sociable and talkative, so don't hesitate. Please? Pretty please? No but seriously I want all the tags in this game.

With all the love!

- Fan'

Feb. 19th, 2015


Not one, not two, but three GPs!

Hey guys!

So you might have noticed that we've put up three different gathering posts to get play started again - so that everybody has a chance to play, no matter their affiliation. You've got your god GP at the Labyrinth, for anyone who would have taken Dionysus up on his invitation (or wants to crash the party), your Society GP up in their new compound in Canada, where all Society members are welcome, and your Well GP, for anyone who could be found in a Vegas bar that just so happens to be Society-run, and neutral ground for Society and gods.

Don't hesitate to go tag your pups in, with a top-level of their own or by tagging one of the already existing top-levels. That's what they're there for! And don't hesitate to contact each other, or us, if you have any questions or want to plot something!

In fact, if everybody could comment to this post with their characters and current e-mail address, we'll update the contact list, making it easier on everybody to get in touch!

Feb. 17th, 2015


Previously, in Labyrinth

Hey guys!

In this post, we're going to sum up the events of what we are referring to as "Season 1" of our game. If anything is unclear, please comment and we will clarify! We just want everybody to be on the same page, knowing that we will pick back up three months after the attack on the Society compound.

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and Hera had been missing for going on ten years... )

Feb. 15th, 2015


Character Update Post

First let me say that I'm just overwhelmed by the number of people who are ready to jump back into this. Seriously, there may have been a few (read: lots) of tears. There have been a lot of questions about characters, too, so I thought I'd put together a list of characters and writers, so we can sort out those before we sort out getting started again.

Updated Character Listing )

Okay, I think that's it. We can use this post to claim or trade or give up characters for adoption.

Fresh start time!

Feb. 14th, 2015


So... anybody still out there?

I have no idea how to start this - I've been typing and deleting for a few hours now, so I'm just going to wing it this time and then hit post, and see what happens from that point.

Life happened. Not the pleasant kind of life, but I know everyone gets that, it happens to all of us. I hermit up, crawl away and wallow, but this time... well, I did that, but then I made some real changes to my life, too. I moved, changed jobs, took some time to get my head and emotions into a place where I feel like I'm on solid ground.

But I never stopped thinking about this. Not just this place, but everyone who was part of it, and after so much time had passed, I was too much of a coward to reach out, but then Sarah happened.

Sarah came to DC (where I live now) and we met and talked, eventually started talking about writing, and I've missed it. Like hugely, and not just the writing, but everything that went with it. More importantly, I think I'm finally in a place where I can give it a try again.

So. I don't know if anyone is still watching this or if any of you are interested at all in getting back into this story, much less getting back into writing with me.

Either way, this needs to be said - I've missed everyone, I hope all of you are doing well and are happy, like the real kind of happy where you find yourself smiling as a default setting more often than not. And I'm sorry. Sorry that I don't know that for myself already.

No more hermit shit - I burned the cave and everything.


Jul. 21st, 2012


Please respond after reading!

Hello, players!

This is your (hopefully) friendly mod Fan', here with just about a gazillion announcements.

Announcements about player departures, new characters, upcoming plot, and summer hiatus! )

May. 27th, 2012


Miscellaneous Stuff

New Character Intro and Not So New Character Intro )

PLOT: The new dirty word. )

Talk Dirty To Me. )


Okay, sorry for the wordy stuff, but I just wanted to put everything out there, and I'll screen the comments to this entry so that anyone who wants to comment on the down low may do so, or contact Gracie, Fan and I privately if you have any specific questions or issues.

And just to get that poking out of my system - the threads are up for the party with Komos and the gathering at Olympus - feel free to jump in.
Tags: ,

May. 20th, 2012


Upcoming plot!

Alright people, The Plot Is Upon us.

Just a heads-up to let you know that Ely is going to put up a one-shot about Adrestia infiltrating the complex, and that'll be the signal that everybody can start threading attack-related things. As soon as I can, I will put up gathering posts for Olympus and Komos's peace-and-love party, but because of timezones and RL, that might have to wait a little.

If you have any questions about anything related to this plot, please ask them here!

May. 13th, 2012


Player Contact List

I thought this might make it easier for us to keep up with who is writing whom and how to get in touch when someone wants to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


Updated 7/28/15

May. 11th, 2012


Plot Post - Please read and comment!

Plotty plot stuff ahoy! )

May. 8th, 2012


This can not be blamed on Ely

Meet my new pup. Her name is Eliza and she is Society. She solves all the little problems that plague Eva. In a permanent kind of way. *g* My opening thread will be with Vae as Eva is the one that brought her into the Society, but after that, we're open for any and everything.

Apr. 26th, 2012


New pup!

Hey guys,

This is Fan' with my latest, Charlie. He's been bartending at the Well for a few weeks now. Not really Society, but paid by it all the same! He's very laid back, casual and easy-going, loves his alcohol and his guitar. I'm debuting him with Jake for obvious reasons, but I'm open to other threads whenever you'd like! With him or any of my others.

Mar. 30th, 2012



I've been a bit absent lately as things have been a little crazy in my head. I'm sorted, or getting there, and just wanted to say hey. I see we have new writers and much plotiness abounds. Awesome! Hope you all are well.

Mar. 11th, 2012


Howdy, folks

We are the Borg. We will assimila-- err.

That is to say, hey guys. Good to meet you all. I'm Cherie, and I am absolutely available for plotting and so on via email or AIM. Do let me know if you want to drop me a line, however, as I think my AIM is not set to receive IMs from non-buddies. Sarah's been talking about this lovely game she's a part of for the past couple of days. I'm (not really) afraid that she rather caught and held our (mine and Gina's) interest, and you'll now be subjected to all manner of unseemly behavior on the part of the Terror Twins.

I play Deimos, who is a bit more of a handful than his counterpart. Phobos is definitely what you'd consider to be the "good" twin, but don't let that fool you into thinking that he's the lesser of two evils. He's not. Deimos, however, is inclined to take dad's approach to things and punch whatever it is in the face. Repeatedly.

He delights on picking on his siblings, particularly Eros whose fluffy wings are just are kind of asking for it. Generally, though, it's done out of a warped sense of love and familial duty. Don't let him catch anyone else picking on them, though. Yeah, hypocrite much?

Mom's a lovely, lovely horror (you can't pretend that waxing and so on aren't horrifying, mom, don't even start) who he really doesn't know quite how to handle, and dad's just... well, dad. Dad's the boss. Any other familiar relationships (and even those, no doubt) will have to be worked out in time.

When he's not breaking things, be they toys or cars, he's working in dad's shop or indulging in the kind of shameless hedonism that you make expect of an Ares/Aphrodite spawn. He's fairly neutral in regards to current events, except that he'll nearly always side with dad, and wars are awfully fun to partake in. Uncle D, just wait, they're going to take the dog for a walk through your casino yet.


Greetings and Salutations~

Hello, all. I figured I should introduce myself, and my character, and also send out a general request for plotting.

I'm Gina, and I'm available for plotting or general chatting on AIM or by email.

I'm playing Phobos, son of Ares and Aphrodite, twin to Deimos. Phobos is the manifestation of the horror of war, and he definitely takes after his father more than his mother. He's not as impulsive as his brother, though; he views conflict and chaos as an art form, and will plan accordingly. He'll start with manipulation instead of brute force when he wants something, and it's generally his job to either keep Deimos out of trouble, or clean up the mess after. Phobos is inclined toward a certain amount of familial responsibility to his siblings, respects his father and is reluctantly fond of his mother. Everyone else, as far as he's concerned, is just there to provide amusement.

When he's in town, he spends his time working in Ares's garage, doing custom paint work on cars and trying to keep Deimos in line. They have somewhat recently returned from a stint overseas (playing cruel games in war zones), drawn by the current unrest and the whispers of conflict. Phobos doesn't much care about the destruction of the Throne, per-se, but the threat of violence it's stirred up is quite delightful, and he'll follow his father's lead when it comes time to throw down- Ares always finds the best bloodshed.

I am quite eager to leap into things, and am happy to talk about threads. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Jan. 9th, 2012


Bring me your poor, your hungry, your THREADS

So December was insane and pretty much ate me, but it has now let go and I have hopes for January, February and even March to stay quieter and with more RP time, and so I turn to you, lovely people, to beg for help. Help me get back into things here? I have no threads running here now, which is the sad, and my pups need to be woken from their winter sleep before they start thinking that they're stuck in the Underworld with no Hades around.

So I have Eva, who is One, who is probably not easy for anyone to thread against but who definitely needs threads.

I have Demeter, who is a goddess, who needs threads with almost anyone and can usually be found in Italy, though as goddess can be pretty much anywhere except in the Society's complex (though she'd visit the grounds outside...)

I have Steve, who is a cheeky bugger and will talk/flirt/scheme with anyone at all.

Anyone want? Please?

Jan. 8th, 2012


Long time no see

Wow. It's a whole new year.

I just wanted to pop in and apologize for my disappearing act. My mother had some health issues and there were some other things going on. Suffice it to say, I'm very glad to see the end of 2011!

The boys are back and anxious to get going again (as am I). I believe Apollo had an open thread with Alex and Brandon had one with Komos. I don't think that I left anyone else hanging. If I did, poke me, please.

Thanks for listening!

Sep. 11th, 2011


Home! Spending the afternoon with wash and catching up.

Sep. 6th, 2011


Bring out your threeeaaads!

Hey peeps,

I feel like I haven't really gotten back in the Labyrinthine game since I came back from holiday. So: I need threads! I'm going to list my pups and what is going on with them and what I'd like to do with them, and if you see something you'd like to help with, speak up! (And I guess if you want to do the same below with your characters, this could become a threading meme of sorts.)

Artemis: I'm not quite sure what to do with her in the near future. She's made a vow to avenge what(ever) happened to Zeus, so she's probably been trying to find her prey. Difficult to hunt when you don't know who your prey is. And she doesn't want the Furies on her ass, so she's hellbent on fulfilling that vow, kthx. Anyone want her? (Not that way, D.) Specifically for what-the-eff-are-we-going-to-do talk.

Cledwyn: is still in a coma for now. Only gets visits from Morpheus, but if your character knows Morpheus and wants a free tour of what the fuck is going on in Cled's head, talk to the dream-god. He might or might not help, depending on how much he likes the one doing the asking.

Komos: is still blissfully unconcerned by everything going on and keeps on being a party boy extraordinaire. I'd be all up for something coming to jar his groove and make him care more, seeing as I have no idea how he deals with serious stuff.

Nikki: needs a holiday so she can meet more people and thread with them. Vae, can she get a holiday?

Morpheus: is in your dreams, impersonating your favourite peeps. No, seriously, does no one want the dreamy god? (He likes being called that, yes he does. McDreamy is also acceptable.) He's a bit difficult to keep on task on anything, but he could be a great asset, gods! Or he can just be fun.

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