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Feb. 19th, 2008


Who: Polyhymnia and Aphrodite
What: a sisterly meeting and a discussion of the purpose and intent of love
Where: a random coffeehouse
When: Monday, February 18
Warnings: none

I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness* )

Summary: a rainy day, a coffeeshop, two women seeking shelter from the storm - strangers who discover that they are sisters, and the goddess of love attempts to understand her muse/sister

Feb. 16th, 2008


Who: Hermaphroditus and Aphrodite (and a guest appearance by Zeus at the beginning)
What: Reunion!
Where: the actions begins in the Hotel and moves to Sam's dorm
When: Saturday, Feb 16, 2008
Warnings: none

Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise/dance all night, we gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ/Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ* )

Summary: Aphrodite approaches Zeus for information as to the whereabouts of her son Hermaphroditus, which he gives to her, and she sets off to see him - mission accomplished, and all is right with the world, at least in this respect.

Jan. 26th, 2008


Who: Trystan and Cherie
What: Dite arrives in Miami
Where: the Jube Hotel
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: none that I can think of, harmless flirtation ahead

Compared to Paris, Miami didn't seem to have the same air of romance which hung over the Parisian capital )

Summary: Aphrodite is the new kid in town; she goes to the Jube Hotel and discovers that the owner is not only a gentleman, he ain't too hard on the eyes. They agree to meet again later, after she takes a nice hot bubble bath with some bubbly.

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