January 30th, 2008

[info]pensivxpression in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Mel and Shiri
What: Sisterly Chat
Where: University of Miami
When: Today
Warnings: None

[He would come in here with his key and call out my name. When I respond, he will take me into his arms and look at me with those big doe eyes of his all concerned that I could have been hurt...] )

Summary: Shiri was causing trouble after a successful audition to a prestige choir group at University of Miami and Mel had some very serious questions to ask her. Eventually the two of them stabilize their moods and various discussions are had.

[info]tempertantrum in [info]olympian_rewind

Who: Elton and D
What: RoMANce? hurr.
Where: D's place.
When: Backlog; Jan. 12, 2008
Warnings: Mentions of Annie.

Hey, Sunshine. )

Summary: Elton and D spend the evening together; sunsets, teasing, wine, and...professions of love? Bedding gets ruined, but not how you think, perverts!