May 28th, 2009

[info]feral_at_heart in [info]offtheisland

Hey guys, have a small warning for you all.

I'm heading out to get my back worked on in a bit, and it will likely result in my being a mess the rest of the day. And when I say "mess" I mean falling asleep at the computer/on the floor/being an utter space case, etc. So, if you need me for a modly something and I'm missing or I just don't reply for a few hours, don't worry, I'm just pulling a Gibs and laying somewhere drooling on something.

Hopefully I'll be semi-coherent tonight, but regardless I should be back up to speed tomorrow. Don't forget we always have the Drop Box which you all are more than welcome to use to grab the mods.

Don't burn the island down while I'm away! ;p