May 27th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

6 Month Celebration! & Mod!News

Ok, Islanders! We have a big event planned and want to bring you all in on the celebration!

Celebrate good times--come on! )

We will be having the monthly tournament on the 6th, however, anyone who takes part in the 6 months event will only be required to write out one thread for the tournament. This will let us keep the tournament up but not totally overwhelm you awesome people. Please sign your mutants up for the tourney here.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Post away, let's hear 'em! You all rock!

Also. Xi has fallen into some RL issues and is going to be busy the next week-ish. That means David's going to be the person to come to with problems/issues/concerns/etc. Send her some love and please bear with David and his scattered brain.