March 26th, 2009

[info]dead_silent in [info]offtheisland


Hi everyone! I'm Julie, and I'm bringing in an OC, Dietre. His power is thoughtform projection, and its kinda a bitch to give a short explanation. The simplest way I can describe it is that he can make holograms with his mind that can occasionally turn solid and mess you up! You can see his bio with the super long explanation here :

Though D is all moody and depressed, I am NOT at all. I will probably annoy you all with my happy talkative-ness, and for that, I apologize in advance. Please totally hit me up on AIM at wiiddance, I love to chat plot and random stuff until the cows come home.

One thing I'd like to find at some point, is someone to be a bit motherly towards D, you know, someone to remind him to eat and talk him into taking a damn nap once in a while. In turn he'll protect her like the bestest of guard dogs! A momma's boy without a mother is a sad thing indeed.

Anywho, I'm really excited to get started in this game and play with you all, so, yeah, I beg you for plots and love!

- Julie