March 17th, 2009

[info]ginny_stclaire in [info]offtheisland

Bored Little Rich Girl Looking For Mutants

After talking to His Modliness David, I thought I'd go ahead and make a post here on the OOC com. Just wondering if any of the mutants would like to have a PCed owner? If so, drop me a line at toughntumble on AIM. I'm game to work out whatever plots.

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Please welcome...

We have another new face! Please welcome Nellie to the comm, bringing in Ryan Knight, found at [info]new_money. Ryan is another human new to the island, so he is another person to plot with if you are looking for an owner for your mutant! Please visit the Contacts List & Friends Adder to ensure your lists are up to date!

[info]new_money in [info]offtheisland


Yes, I would be Nellie! I'm bringing it an human, too. I definitely want a mutant or two. :P

so ping me, and we can figure out how, uh, well... how do we play the buying out of ownership?

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Unowned Mutants!

Ok islanders, here's how it's gonna go down!

First off, Mod David apologizes for spamming the OOC comm so effing much, but it is good news for the comm! He is going to do some work on the Wanted Page in order to allow for more information on characters who need owners. And yes he is talking in the third person. So, what does that mean? Fist off it means Mod David has too much going on right now but that's another story. More to the point:

This means that all of you who have unowned mutants, or NPC owned mutants that you want a player-controlled owner for, head to the Wanted Page and comment! This gives much more information to current humans looking to purchase, or future players looking for possible SL's. Provide as much or as little information as you wish and be as specific as you want. Want a male or a female owner? Say so. Looking to torture your charrie with a darker story with a twisted/abusive owner? Spell it out. Don't have any ideas and just want to chat with someone and plot? That's good too.

And of course, if you have any other plots or sl's you like to have filled, go post too.
So, go go go! Post away! :D