March 16th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

A big round of welcomes!

Hello, islanders!

We have a big day for ads, we are welcoming two new players and three new characters!

First off, we welcome sayyida with her OC human, Ginny St. Claire, who can be found at [info]ginny_stclaire! She is going to be looking to become an Owner, so any of you who have mutants who are unowned or NPC owned and looking for a change, be sure to get her attention!

Secondly we have Nicole joining with a mother/daughter pair of mutants, Psylence and Deja Vu, found conveniently at [info]psylence and [info]deja_vu_. They are both currently housed in Blue Block so be sure to drop by and say hello.

The Friends Adder & Contact List has been updated, please be sure and update your information as soon as possible, especially if your buddy list is friends locked. Please send them both a very warm welcome!

~The ATBL Mods