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Thursday, September 6th, 2012

    Time Event
    The Cruelest Month - A Post-Apocolyptic RPG

    April really is the cruelest month. On April 1, 2013, a doctor in Hartford, Connecticut recorded the first case of a new strain of superflu, a virus that both dehydrated and asphyxiated the infected. Within a month, this “blue fever” had reached pandemic levels, killing nearly half of the world’s population. Chaos reigned.

    It’s been two months since the outbreak and now only a handful of survivors remain, an unlucky few who are mysteriously immune to the plague. But the world has changed since March - there is no government, no community, and no technology that doesn’t operate on batteries. The remainders of humanity may be immune to the virus, but in a world where survival is a daily struggle, the virus was only the beginning...

    The Cruelest Month is an original character post-apocalyptic game set in Hartford, Connecticut. Do you have what it takes to survive?

    [info]cruelestmonths : [info]remainders : [info]cruelestooc

    rules : faq : taken/held : wanted : app : locations : contact : mod dropbox
    The RPG



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    The Ship
    January 1, 2641 was not just another New Year for the inhabitants of Earth. It was the beginning of a new way of life for a particular group of men. They arrived at their agreement on the mission through different ways, but the end result was the same. The Male Society Expedition began its new life on the Maiden Voyage of Starship Uranus. A new look on society, with a new culture to build. A life without women. Some saw it as the perfect life.

    Ten years have now passed, and the men of Uranus have settled into life in space, ever searching for a planet they can make their home. A planet to be their perfect utopia… using any means necessary to ensure the survival of their ideals.

    U.M.S.E. is a Slash Only SciFi game set far into the future. With it taking place on a Starship, it leaves open many opportunities for interaction brought on by close quarters. We are a game focusing on how these men adjust to this new environment and situation, and the troubles that crop up when it is not so easy to hide from each other.

    GAME NOW OPEN. Join today>>>>>

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