Sun, Aug. 26th, 2012, 09:21 am

WHO: Greg Blair and Everyone
WHAT: Meet and Greet, Meal at his place.
WHEN: Sunday July 1, 11AM
WHERE: Greg's place, outside.
RATING: PG-13 at the highest

OOC: This is a group thread, so feel free to make your own mini-threads with one or several people. Try to mark your thread in the heading with a character nae (or names) and time, so we can keep everything straight. (Ex: Rosa/Greg/OPEN, 12:45 PM) Food is served at Noon, buffet style, and Greg will probably give a short 'welcome' speech sometime after most people have gone through the line.

Aretha Franklin played over the speakers, exhorting the Blues Brothers to 'think' about what they were trying to do to her )

Fri, Aug. 24th, 2012, 10:03 pm

WHO: Bridget Mackenzie and Nick 'Bones' McCoy ;)
WHAT: Stumbling into each other in the AM
WHEN: Saturday morning, June 30th.
WHERE: Nick and Hilde's place.
RATING: PG for now.

This most definitely wasn't the bedroom she'd shared with Jake )

Thu, Aug. 23rd, 2012, 08:02 pm

Who: Jack and open to anyone
What: Attempting to move on.
When: Saturday, late afternoon
Where: Radio Shack
Rating: Low

Day is done, gone the sun )

Sun, Aug. 19th, 2012, 04:40 pm

Who: Nick and Hilde
What: Looking for a goat.
When: Friday, morning.
Where: Outside of town, farm type areas.
Rating: Low

Three Billy Goats Gruff )

Sun, Aug. 19th, 2012, 04:42 pm

WHO: Hilde and Bridget
WHAT: A Reunion!
WHERE: The Hartford Library
WHEN: Friday Afternoon, June 29.

Is this the real life, or is it phantomicy? )

Sun, Aug. 19th, 2012, 02:19 am

WHO: Colton and Max Creed, plus Terri Gonzalez!
WHAT: Colton went searching for new digs for the winter and someone stumbles about them.
WHERE: Farm’s on the south side of Hartford. I imagine somewhere in the vicinity of Greg’s place.
WHEN: Friday, in the later part of the afternoon around 3PM. June 29th.
RATING: PG most likely. Colton has a dirty mouth.

I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world )

Sat, Aug. 18th, 2012, 05:47 pm

WHO: Greg Blair, Open to replies from others.
WHAT: CB Broadcast
WHERE: The top of a high rise in downtown Hartford
WHEN: Friday Afternoon, June 29.
RATING: PG, shouldn't be anything more than naughty words.

He was never climbing forty flights of stairs again. Ever. )

Fri, Aug. 17th, 2012, 03:42 pm

WHO: Bridget and Dominic
WHAT: Getting out and then looking for clothes that fit.
WHERE: A Walmart somewhere on the outskirts of Hartford.
WHEN: Friday morning, June 28
RATING: Probably PG

She had Mouse with her, she could do this  )

Thu, Aug. 16th, 2012, 06:19 pm

Who: Rosa and Greg.
What: Conversation after the hunt.
When: Friday, June 29. late morning.
Where: Enders State Forest, about 10 miles outside of greater Hartford.
Rating: PG-13 likely

No bad fer a morning's work )

Thu, Aug. 16th, 2012, 04:40 pm

Who: Kara and Greg
What: Exploring the town Pt. II
When: Wednesday, June 27, Mid Afternoon
Where: Bookstore, Downtown Hartford.
Rating: PG-13(?)

Apocalypse for dummies. )

Mon, Aug. 13th, 2012, 10:01 pm

Who: Hilde and Nick
What: Choice words are exchanged
Where: Hilde and Nick's home
When: Immediately after this
Rating: Medium/medium high? There will be cussing.

Seething )

Sun, Aug. 12th, 2012, 08:13 pm

WHO: Greg, Nick, Hilde
WHAT: Scavenging the Cabela's.
WHEN: Thursday, 6/28, midday
RATING: TBD, likely low

He'd made his own bow, arrows had to be a piece of cake )

Sun, Aug. 12th, 2012, 08:11 am

Who: Hilde and Nick
What: The broken water pipe means that Hilde's house is no longer getting water, so she goes in search of new digs.
Where: By the State House
When: Wednesday, June 27; noonish.
Rating: Low


Can't Survive Without Water )

Tue, Aug. 7th, 2012, 12:21 am

Who: Terri and OPEN
What: Terri finds one of the bible quotes.
Where: Outside a bar
When: Tuesday, June 26; late afternoon
Rating: Low?

'Psa 106:29: Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.' )

Sun, Aug. 5th, 2012, 12:48 pm

Who: Calvin and Liam
What: A first encounter
Where: Liam's apartment building
When: Friday, June 29th, midmorning
Rating: Probably low

Nice... dog? )

Thu, Aug. 2nd, 2012, 04:08 pm

Who: Kara and Calvin
What: Exploring the town
When: Wednesday, June 27, Mid morning
Where: Downtown Hartford
Rating: PG-13(?)

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving )

Wed, Jul. 11th, 2012, 09:57 am

Who: Rosa and Everyone (who wants to show up)
What: The first head count
When: Friday, June 22, Noon
Where: Hartford Hospital, Main Parking Lot, then in the lounge
Rating: PG-13 at the highest

come together
right now over me )

OOC: This is a group thread, so feel free to make your own mini-threads with one or several people. Try to mark your thread in the heading with a character nae (or names) and time, so we can keep everything straight. (Ex: Rosa/Greg/OPEN, 12:45 PM). It's also going to rain at some point in the afternoon, so Rosa will probably herd them all inside into the lounge around 2 PM. If you want to show that movement in one of your threads, go for it. Have fun!

Wed, Jul. 11th, 2012, 03:25 am

Who: Calvin and Terri
What: Radio conversation about Rosa's broadcast
When: Week 3; Thursday the 21st
Where: their apartment building

Calvin had helped her set up a radio system thingy, something she didn't understand past kind of remembering how to turn it on. )

Wed, Jul. 4th, 2012, 11:21 am

Who: Lainey and Rosa
What: Checking up
When: Tuesday, June 12,
Where: The hospital
Rating: Lowish
Read more... )

Sat, Jun. 30th, 2012, 11:27 am

Who: Rosa and Greg
What: An investigation
When: Monday, June 11, right after the gunshots
Where: Just outside the hospital, near the body
Rating: Lowish, probably cursing

At least some things stayed the same )

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