Fri, Sep. 21st, 2012, 01:20 pm

Dear Players,

We are really sorry to do this, but but we’ve decided to close Remainders. One of us just moved across the country and is job searching, and the other just picked up another job, and though we hate to let the game go, we can’t run it without hurting our real lives.

We wish you all good luck and any of you are welcome to keep in touch with us if you’d like to. Thanks for playing with us! We really enjoyed playing with you and will miss all of your wonderful characters.


Emily and Laura

Sun, Sep. 16th, 2012, 12:50 pm

Hi everyone,

I hate to say this but I'm going to have to drop out of the game. Life's become so busy lately that I find myself struggling to find time to just check my e-mail some days.

I had a lot of fun playing and I appreciate the community that all of you have helped to build. I hope the game runs nice and long and I'll stop by when I can to read and catch up.

Thank you to all!


Sat, Sep. 15th, 2012, 11:51 am

Once again I am lazy and therefore linking the group thread for easy access. :)

Sun, Sep. 9th, 2012, 12:28 am
[info]quinnmck: grows plants.

Hi everyone! I'm Sara, and I'm bringing in Quinn McKenna. She was a biology teacher in Hartford's public school system, and she's been a dedicated urban farmer for the past ten years; she has access to fresh veggies, eggs, and berries. Mostly she's been keeping to herself - she had a decent amount of supplies stacked up, plus the garden taking up her entire backyard - but you may have seen her out while she was poking around just to see if she could find anything useful.

I'm a huge fan of all things apocalyptic (probably unhealthily so), so I'm really looking forward to this game. If you want to plot (or just chat), I'm on AIM at imaginationology, or you can hit me up here. I'll have Quinn stop by the group thread shortly...isolation is not always a good thing, and the chickens don't talk back.

Tue, Sep. 4th, 2012, 11:40 pm

Hey guys. I'm really sorry for my epic slowness. I've got my half written response to the Terry/Colt thread, and I promise to finish it some time this evening, but I've been dealing with a kidney infection and a small promotion/more hours at work. I'll get this up and try and get Colt and Max at Greg's sometime tomorrow, hopefully before work.

Tue, Aug. 28th, 2012, 10:40 pm
[info]briar_rosa: Back!

Hey all!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm safe and sound in Indy, and I have a stable internet connection on my lappy, so I'll be back to full speed soon, tagging-wise. I have work in the morning, but please throw things at me! Thanks for your patience, as always :)

~ Emmy

Sun, Aug. 26th, 2012, 10:53 am
[info]remainders: Week Change

Week Change
Sunday, July 1 ~ Saturday, July 7

Sunday: High is 91, low is 68. Sunny.
Monday: High is 86, low is 63. Light rain between 2 and 4 PM.
Tuesday: High is 71, low is 63. Scattered clouds.
Wednesday: High is 91, low is 71. Sunny, light drizzle around noon.
Thursday: High is 88, low is 72. Overcast.
Friday: High is 90, low is 60. Sunny.
Saturday: High is 91, low is 72. Sunny.

Description: Greg Blair’s proposed cookout is happening on Sunday at noon. All survivors willing to attend should bring two canned goods, or something else to share.

Sat, Aug. 25th, 2012, 04:52 pm
[info]remainders: Week Change

Guys, a week change is going to happen within the next 24 hours. Put up placeholders for week 4 if you need to, and get ready for week 5. :)


Fri, Aug. 24th, 2012, 11:27 am
[info]briar_rosa: Also slow

Hey everyone,

My cross-country move's been pushed back a few days for varying reasons, but I'm actually moving for real tomorrow morning. I'll try to check my email if I can find wireless ^_^ Thanks for your continued patience! I'll be back to normal soon.

~ Emmy

Thu, Aug. 23rd, 2012, 08:46 pm

Hi everyone! Hella wanted me to tell you that she's really sorry she hasn't been on lately but she's been dealing with some personal stuff. Her aunt died and she's been battling a stomach flu on top of that. So she'll be back on soon but she just wanted you all to know that she hasn't forgotten the game or any of you.

Tue, Aug. 21st, 2012, 07:04 pm

Hey guys! Kenzie here, and I was just posting this if anyone else was curious as to where Max was developmentally. It's hard to interact with a baby when you aren't sure the extent of her abilities, so if you're curious and you're going to be playing around with Creed and Max (which I hope is everyone!) then currently this is where baby Max is at!

I'll post them as she ages if you all don't mind?

Sun, Aug. 19th, 2012, 11:19 am

Hi everyone! It's Mari again. This is Jack. He's an anti-social computer and electrical engineer who is determined to save the interwebs or at least computers from the demise of the power grid. So far he's been too depressed to go out but he's heard Greg's announcement over the CB so he's going to attempt to be social. Don't get your hopes up though. :P

If anyone wants to hit me up for plottage, I'm around. I try to be on AIM but sometimes I forget so just ping me here or e-mail me and I'll hop on. :D

Sat, Aug. 18th, 2012, 10:59 pm
[info]crane_rising: Apologies!

Hey everyone,

Again, I'm so sorry for being slow! This morning I was struck down with some awful plague and I've been basically unable to move or think straight all day. Hopefully I'll beat it tomorrow and I can give you the tags you deserve :(

~ Emmy

Fri, Aug. 17th, 2012, 03:29 pm

Strider here,

Introducing character #2. Bridget Mackenzie, a 25 year old former PhD Candidate in American History at UConn. She'd been finishing her dissertation when the plague hit and was married to a young adjunct UConn engineering professor. Bridget and her husband also had the good (bad?) fortune of working on starting their family when everything went to pot and she's currently about four months along with twins. Unfortunately for her, her husband went missing and presumed dead (she won't consider any other possibility) about a month ago so she's completely on her own except for her black lab, Mouse.

She's going to be a little skittish at first but overall she's a very friendly person but one who's determined to 'pull her own weight' even if she really shouldn't be. I look forward to her getting to know everyone soon!

Fri, Aug. 17th, 2012, 02:26 pm

And this is character two! Lydia will be joining the fun. She was a park ranger at the UCONN research forest. So anyone out hunting would more than likely run into her. She has a wolf-hybrid that adopted her when someone dumped him in the forest a few years ago. Not a huge people person, she still gets lonely from time to time.

Look forward to writing her and hit me up for plottage!

Wed, Aug. 15th, 2012, 08:16 pm
[info]modernknight: Trolling for plot

So... who wants to do something with this guy here? I've been taking it slow because of the group thread but I think we're at a point where maybe there could be some interaction between folks who were at the meeting.

Maybe scrounging for supplies or swapping work? There are possibilities but I want to know what you all think. Hit me up!

Wed, Aug. 15th, 2012, 11:19 am

So, I've been slow as all hell and I apologize. I had my finals this week for my summer classes so I have a couple weeks free before fall semester! My net is being wonky at home but hopefully it'll work by tonight (At the library now). Sorry again for being slow!

Tue, Aug. 14th, 2012, 11:19 am

Hey everyone!

I wanted to apologize for being slow. I'm going to be moving soon, so RP has taken a back burner for now. Thanks for being patient! I'll at least try to tag people today, if I can.

~ Emmy

Sun, Aug. 12th, 2012, 12:01 am

Hi everyone! My name is Mari. I'm taking on Nick McCoy. He's ex-Army having retired about 2 years ago suffering from PTSD and has recently moved inside city limits to be closer to the supplies. It's possible players have seen him around but he hasn't wanted to interact with people until now. My AIM is my email address: Feel free to ping me or e-mail me. I look forward to writing with this awesome crowd! :D

Sat, Aug. 11th, 2012, 08:55 pm

Hello! I'm Hella and I'll be adding an ex-anthropology professor to the game. I look forward to writing with you all.

Hit me up at (that's both email and AIM screen name). I'd love to plot and see where to settle her.

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