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Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

    Time Event

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    It's just like any other day, except maybe on this particular day you wake up with a bit of a headache. You think maybe it's just a hangover from that party you went to last night, and then you start hearing a voice inside your head. Are you going crazy? No. Are you imagining things? No. Is there actually a fictional person living inside your head?


    Reincarnation has been a world-wide phenomenon for centuries. Fictional entities taking up residence in the minds of unsuspecting people; sharing memories, histories, and abilities. It began in secret, but as the number of reincarnates grew in the world it became increasingly hard to remain unnoticed, or to exist together peacefully.

    Congratulations, you've just become a reincarnate. Welcome to the war.

    It's 2012 and the Reincarnate War has been waged for centuries. Camelot and CORE have been locked in an ongoing battle of ideals, with the neutral agent the Agency trying in vain to keep the peace. Acts of terrorism, fighting in the streets and heavy casualties on both sides have painted the reincarnate community red, until a battle that lasted the night named Camelot the victor. Survivors began to rebuild a community now in shambles, and the magic of reincarnation has shifted with the appearance of fictional territories all over the world.

    Even worse, former members of CORE have formed a new terrorist group called the Resistance. Their attacks have been brutal, and among these attacks has come the outing of reincarnates to the public. Some have accepted it with a fascination; others, fearing change and the Resistance, have reacted in outrage towards reincarnates. Mundie governments are no longer cooperating with the Agency for the protection of the community, and a temporary alliance between the Agency and Camelot has been made to weather the storm.

    Where will you stand? With the Resistance, aiming for reincarnate superiority? With Camelot, aiming for the destruction of the Resistance? With the Agency, working hard to keep together a crumbling world? Or will you chance it on your own in a world where reality is being literally reshaped below your feet? The choice is yours.

    Join the war today!

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