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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Getting it all out there [17 Jun 2009|09:19am]
Who: Chelsea and Sean
Where: Sean's room
When: Late afternoon

Even with her failed trip to engineering, Chelsea had not been able to completely get her mind off of what had happened the night before. While she didn't mind rooming with Lisa at all, the manner in which it had happened had left a really sour taste in her mouth, particularly when she considered who it had come from. Already irritated, she'd tried to go for a "walk" around the ship, but it just kept getting her more and more upset as she thought about it. Finally she'd had enough and knew that if she didn't get it out now, she might just explode.

Making sure that Lisa was taken care of, she'd headed down to Sean's room, but once she got there, she couldn't bring herself to knock at first. For what seemed like an eternity, she just sat in the hallway, staring at the door, occasionally rocking her chair back and forth nervously. Finally, she bit her lip and steeled herself, reaching up and knocking on the door.
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And the Cat Came Back [17 Jun 2009|01:35pm]
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Who: Queequg and Slav
Where: Slav's room
When:3 pm-ish

The sun was distressingly unpredictable.  It didn't follow any path or flow.  Someone should have a good talk with it.  It took a while but Queequeg had FINALLY found a place where the mid-afternoon sun seemed to settle for a while.  It was one of the human rooms and the spot was perfectly centered on an unmade bed.   The white sheets were perfect for displaying the gray of his fur to allow the one he allowed to sleep in the bed to know he'd been honored to have Q find his bed suitable.   It took some nosing and pawing to get things...just...right, but he finally settled down to properly warm one side.  He stretched out his long body and lay still, only his tail twitching from time to time in contentment as the warmth seeped into him.

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An Unexpected Encounter [17 Jun 2009|06:30pm]
Who: Lisa and Billie
When: Early Evening
Where: Circean Delight

Lisa sat alone at a table in Circean Delight, wondering whether Sean would join her. Probably not, she thought glumly. He was probably too busy organizing security or investigating Graham's murder. Besides, after last night's revelation, he probably didn't want to associate with her more than he had to. Still, she hoped he would come. She wanted to tell him about herself, to help him get to know her - the real her - and maybe win back a small measure of his trust.

Not what Lisa had hoped for... )
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Please Don't Leave Me [17 Jun 2009|07:44pm]
Who: Mary Mae (Marita) and Megan
Where: Marita's Room & Hallways
When: Afternoon

I always say how I don't need you/But it's always gonna come right back to this )
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I been hanging around this town [17 Jun 2009|08:29pm]
Who: Pyrrhus and Gor
Where: Between the lifeboats, D Deck
When: Late-afternoon

Pyrrhus had a lot to think about. Never mind the fact that they were probably lost to the ages in the Bermuda Triangle. There was also the things that were happening on the ship- whatever was going on with Juhi; Phoenix's challenge, which she seemed to have forgotten about and he was rather disappointed that his fun times in church hadn't impressed her; and now the challenge from the preacherman to prank his daughter, who was apparently skilled in martial arts. Well, he'd always liked a challenge.

He needed time to think, and preferably someplace quiet to do so. He'd finally settled on dangling again. At the very least, it had worked out well for him before, but he wanted something a little more dangerous to energize him this time. He thought this was the perfect place.

Using a makeshift harness for support, he'd managed to string himself up between two of the lifeboats. His feet were pointed up in the air and his head was pointed straight down to the ocean below, with nothing below but water to catch him if he dropped suddenly. His trenchcoat was buttoned around him and his arms were crossed in front of him, and with his hair dangling down, he looked rather like a giant bat waiting for the moon to rise. His eyes closed, he just hung there and thought.
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