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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[16 Jun 2009|03:46am]
Who: Mary and Erik
When: Around 9:30PM
Where: Erik's room

Mary had taken her time picking her outfit for tonight, down to the last detail. It had been put together to provoke a reaction on Erik, and she was pretty sure it would. She didn't feel bad about thinking about sex at a time like this; there wasn't much she could do to change things, so Mary thought she might as well enjoy herself.

With a pull at the hem of her skirt, Mary put a suggestive smirk on her lips and knocked two times on Erik's room door. "And now, we wait." She said to herself.
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Will You? [16 Jun 2009|10:21am]
Who: Jean and Az
Where: The Attendants of Aphrodite
When: Late morning

Jean hated being bloody useless. He would have volunteered for security or medical help, but in all honesty, once blood was involved, he was exactly that, useless. He'd volunteered for kitchen duty the last few days, since even though he couldn't cook, he could scrub up dishes and clean things. He'd been wearing Nikko out taking him for runs around the deck,

Anything but thinking about the fact they were likely doomed. Lost in the Bermuda Triangle, no crew, nothing for days and days, the sun bouncing around the sky like a ping pong ball, murders, disappearances. It was amazing they weren't all mad by now.

His thoughts weren't on all that today though. He'd been thinking about it the last few days more than ever. And kicking himself. Since he'd left the bloody ring at home. Yes, he had an engagement ring for Az. He'd wanted to ask her over Christmas, but had lost his nerve. She wasn't ready, he'd told himself. He'd wanted to give her more time, knowing she might still have some issues from that blighter Callum. At least trapped out here, they were free of that man and his stalkering. A silver lining.

He needed to do it. Even if she said no. God, please don't let her say no. It wasn't so much the situation that was making him need to do it. He should have done it before. He wasn't Callum and Az knew that. He trusted her, he loved her, and he'd never do what that bastard had. Never in a million years. And he didn't want anyone else. He'd known that for months now. He just didn't want to push her.

And well, he was afraid she'd say no. There were so many reasons she could say no for, and he'd not fault her for any of them.

Heaving out a long breath, he let Nikko back into the room. He'd already taken him on two runs today, and the poor beast was ready for a nap. In truth, Jean needed the exercise just as much. He was used to hard work day in and day out. Having nothing to do was taking it's toll in more ways than one.

"Az?" he called out as he closed the door behind him and tucked away his key. He went looking for her in the suite, knowing if he didn't do it now, he never would. And then he'd never forgive himself.
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