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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Plague of Locusts [16 Apr 2009|12:29am]
Who: Phoenix and Father Peter
Where: Chapel thingimabob.
When: Just before dinner time

...walks into a hotel and puts three nails on the counter... )
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Become Invisible [16 Apr 2009|01:32am]
Who: Nik and Zoe. He's a thread whore. I'm sorry.
Where: Eurycleia's Cafe
When: 6:00ish

Become invisible, sink into sand. The Earth swallows you whole and you die again. )
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Timber! [16 Apr 2009|10:35am]
Who: Lottie, Miguel
When: 9 pm
Where: The Golden Apple

Her chewing gum snapped between her teeth as she flipped the page of the fashion magazine she was perusing, looking rather bored about it all. In fact, she was, because no one came to shop at nine at night, at least not on a cruise ship. Thankfully the shop was only open for another hour... speaking of, she needed to get organizing the shelves for the next morning, or "zoning," as her manager called it.

With a definitive sound, she closed the magazine and stepped off of the barstool she was perched on, standing and raising her arms above her head in a stretch. Reflexively Lottie pulled her blouse back down over her stomach, followed by brushing the lint from her black slacks. Her work attire was simple but professional, a pair of black slacks and embellished kitten heels, along with a flouncy brightly colored blouse to give the outfit a bit of interest. Her hair had been curled and pinned back in spots, as well.

She looked out of the entrance of the shop idly, noticing a man, a custodian, wiping down the bistro seating they had set up to provide shoppers a place to rest in their quest for good deals. He was so intent on his work, she admired his work ethic, and forced herself to follow suit. Moving over to one of the shelves where the handbags had obviously been mixed up by customers, she set to work putting them back in their original cubbies in a nice, orderly fashion.

Until one of the shelf bottoms decided to drop out, sending a tidal wave of purses to fall on Lottie, sending her back on her ass and making quite the clatter. "Whoashit!" she yelped as she fell back.The shelf that had fallen out also knocked down the rest of the purses along the way, so when the dust finally settled, it was a rather large mess of canvas and leather. Moving her now-disheveled hair from her face, she frowned. She liked bags and all, but she certainly had no interest in being buried with them.
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Smells Like Holy Spirit [16 Apr 2009|03:24pm]
Who: Megan and Gregory
When: dinnertime
Where: The grill

Megan had had a frustrating day. No one was telling her anything satisfactory. She'd been trying to get any information she could so that when she talked to Daddy's lawyers finally, she could give him plenty of information. But the staff was being very tight-lipped. The captain hadn't been any better at his "meeting"... more like damage control. They might fool a few people, but not a smart chick like her. Even using the "poor blind girl and her cute dog" card hadn't gotten her more than a bunch of condescending answers and crew members. This made her a very disapproving rabbit.

She'd given up for a while to find food. Dinner with Emily the night before had been nice, if uneventful. She was a really sweet woman, and she wouldn't mind seeing her again, but she needed to loosen up a bit. She'd harnessed Niles up, and he was dutifully guiding her through the ship, but he'd stopped when entering the grill. Something smelled.... very familiar there. Something mommy liked. He began sniffing as he led, despite Megan's protests. "Niles! Halt! Stop! Dammit! You fucking... GAH!" Niles had found his target and was alternating between sniffing around and beaming proudly at his mommy. He thought he'd done good. "And just where in the hell did you take me?" she asked, tugging on his leash a little.
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the life of the clueless [16 Apr 2009|07:22pm]
Who: Lucy and Jack
When: 1ish
Where: the Grill on H deck

Lucy was feeling frustrated. She knew that the captain had a speech planned but she wasn't sure if she would go. She wouldn't understand anything and that would only make her more frustrated. She had to get out of her room...she was being taunted by the smell of gin and her painting. They were not playing nice. So, Lucy decided to go to the H deck to the Grill to get something to eat. She dressed in jeans and black fitted long sleeved shirt. She stuck her hair in a ponytail and left her room without any makeup. She made sure to stick a black notepad and pen in her back pocket for communication purposes.

When she got to the Grill she noticed she was the only person there. She used her notepad and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and fries. She felt like eating whatever she wanted today, consequences be damned. She wished she had brought a book to read while she sat there. It was boring and her mind was wondering to all sorts of unpleasant places.
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[16 Apr 2009|09:57pm]
Who: Lisa and Matt
When: 3PM
Where: Eurycleia's cafe

Nothing like a brightly colored place to contrast with Matt's thoughts after that dreadful meeting with the Captain. Basically, nobody knew anything and everybody was either hoping for the best, or deeming themselves doomed. Fantastic.

Matt himself did not know what to think, if he was honest. As he sat on one of the tables, he scratched his forehead and took a deep breath. What a fucking stupid trip. If he'd wanted to be depressed, he'd have volunteered to take care of the vets back home. The notion of none of them knowing exactly where they were and the people responsible taking a let's all be hopeful and pray for the best outcome type of stand, just pissed him off.

A coffee seemed like a very bad idea right now, so Matt ordered some tea and a muffin instead. Chamomile tea, it was supposed to calm him down. And the muffin was supposed to improve his mood. Hopefully it would work, otherwise they'd better have a boxing bag somewhere in the gym.

"Thanks" He told the waiter who'd come back with his order. Then, he sighed again.
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