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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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To Fetch A Pail Of... Candy? [15 Apr 2009|01:14am]
Who: Jamie and Brodie (Gently NPC'd Muse)
Where: Brodie's room
When: Shortly after 4 PM
EXTRA: Nsfw!!!!

Jamie had run like a bullet down the hallways to find Muse's room and get the Jelly Babies. He'd been totally impatient when she'd gone to get them and barely registered the pat on his back that delivered the hand written sign that read "Bang Me" to the back of his interactive drumset shirt which he had changed into after the sauna thing.

Then back like a shot to the lower deck. He took a moment to pause outside of Brodie's door and catch his breath (and pretend like his knee was not kicking his ass from running up stairs instead of taking the elevator). Once he'd caught his breath, he found the battery pack in the hemline of the shirt, turned it on and held the baggy of Jelly Babies in front of the plastic drumset so it wouldn't be visible right away.

He knocked on the door in a 'Shave and a Haircut' rhythm then (im)patiently waited.
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[15 Apr 2009|01:30pm]
Who: Az and Micah
Where: Fitness Center, Arete Deck
When: Around 12 pm
Warning: Innuendo?
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[15 Apr 2009|02:31pm]
[ mood | scared ]

Who: Lilo, OTA, groups or single people welcome.
What: Foodz
Where: Circean Delight
When: Early Evening

Having no homemade cookies sucks. )

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[15 Apr 2009|03:00pm]
Who: Kaz and Lynne
Where: the Grill on the H Deck
When: Around 1 pm
Warning: Langauge probably

She needed a minute to clear her head; too much too fast kept creeping into her thoughts )
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Curiouser and Curiouser [15 Apr 2009|06:11pm]

Who: Sean and Kean
Where: Computer Cafe
When: around 6PM




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Books might just be the solution [15 Apr 2009|09:35pm]
Who: Brodie and Sydney
Where: Homer's Study
When: At about 8:45pm

Because turning into lyrics by The Smiths isn't as much fun as listening to them )
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