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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Someone's In The Kitchen [26 Mar 2009|12:15am]
Who: Phoenix and Pyrrhus
Where: Phoenix's Room
When: Midnight and beyond

It was snack time. She'd just taken a break from killing raiders and shooting poor defenseless two headed cows to find something to eat. But really, what was there to eat? All she knew was that she wanted something warm so she'd started by turning on her stove and setting a pan on it to warm. She had no idea what time it was so when midnight hit, she was peering in the fridge, about to decide on scrambling every single egg in the carton. Phoenix had no clue how many eggs that would be but it would be delicious.

Not the best idea she's ever had, is it? )
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What Happens After [26 Mar 2009|01:59am]
Who: The mildly injured.
When: Around 1 AM
Where: Apollon's Grace
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress
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and the darkness descends [26 Mar 2009|01:52pm]
Who: Noah and Lynne
Where: Noah's room
When: a little before midnight

Noah woke up slowly and disoriented. He was moving. Noah's first instinct was to roll out of bed and crouch on the floor between the wall and the bed. His heart was racing, blood pounding in his ears. He peered over the bed, his instincts telling him something wasn't right.

After he got his bearings, he realized he wasn't in Iraq and the moving wasn't the ground after a bomb went off. He was on a boat - a boat that was rocking - and he was supposed to have been in bed with a beautiful woman.

Just then, he heard sounds of retching from the bathroom. He got up and pulled a pair of sleep pants out of his suitcase and pulled them on. He grabbed a t-shirt for Lynne and hurried to the bathroom.

He found her sitting on the floor, her head over the toilet, looking utterly miserable. He crouched beside her and smoothed her hair, holding it out of her way. He rubbed her back until she finished. When she slumped against him, he reached with his other hand and got a washcloth and ran it under cool water and placed it around her neck. He helped her into the t-shirt. "You want to go back to bed or stay here?"
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[26 Mar 2009|02:14pm]
Who: Jason, Cami, & Alli
When: Just before midnight
Where: Their room: I-1003

Normally, this was one of Jason's favorite holidays. )
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[26 Mar 2009|03:01pm]
Who: Jean & open if anyone wants to join him.
When: Midnight
Where: Outside his bedroom
Rating: PG-13

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A Girl Can Dream [26 Mar 2009|09:37pm]
Who: Marla, Jack
Where: Jack's room
When: Midnight
Rating: Marla

Marla never left anything to chance. )
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Walls [26 Mar 2009|11:35pm]
Who: Miguel (solo)
Where: Laundry
When: Midnight

Some walls must fall. )
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