Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[12 Mar 2009|01:35pm]
Who: Lynne and Noah
What: Noah takes Lynne to the costume ball
Where: Lynne's room and then to Circean Delight
When: A little after 9:30; before this
Status: Complete

Maybe a guy like Noah was exactly what Lynne needed right now, even if only as a friend. )
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Dance into the fire... that fatal kiss is all we need [12 Mar 2009|04:10pm]
Who: Pyrrhus and Phoenix
When: After the party. 10-ish.
Where: Olympia deck, top of the ship, then Pyrrhus's room.

There had to be something up here they could use. Phoenix needed something to burn, and this seemed to be the safest place for it. The only concern was the wind. Pyrrhus hadn't counted on that. "Here we are baby. I found the perfect place. Now. Just need something to burn." He had seen her get like this several times. Usually she could control her pyromania, but there were times when she just *had* to do it. He had it too, although not to her level. "Don't worry, there has to be something." He let go of her and began searching around for something flammable. If worse came to worse, they had her vodka still.
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