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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Jazzman, take my blues away [11 Mar 2009|09:58pm]
Who: Kevin and anyone who wants to wander in!
When: After 10
Where: Cult of Dionysus - Jazz Club

The night was over, thank god. Somehow the staff had made it through the evening without Kevin having to take a life. He'd left his sous chef in charge of clear down and had made his way to the jazz club. Whatever that was they were calling "music" in the restaurant this evening was not working for him. He needed some real music, and he'd finally discovered the jazz club on his way to bed the night before.

He entered the room and immediately found his way to a booth near the stage. The band was good, overall, although that trumpeter needed some help. He had half a mind to go back to his room and get his trumpet, show him how it was done, but his usual stage fright started to take hold. No, tonight was just a night for a bit of wine, some quality music, and relaxation.
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