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Posts Tagged: 'neville+longbottom'

Oct. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

WHO: Delilah Selwyn and Neville Longbottom
WHAT: Plants and stuff
WHEN: Wednesday, October 2
WHERE: Bones safehouse
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

maybe won't you take it back )

Sep. 29th, 2019



l is for loser club

WHO: Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom
WHEN: Hogsmeade weekend, Saturday idk
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHAT: Two losers in a town, one disguised and one being a weirdo, five feet closer because they're pals.
RATING: PG probs.

twas a moonlight night )

Sep. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

OWL to: Neville Longbottom
OWL from: Zacharias Smith

Looks like a random shopping flyer to any eyes but his )

Sep. 26th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Neville and Zach (small appearance by Susan, and possibly one by Megan and/or Ernie if Amy wants to jump in at the end of it).
When: Evening 9.26.
Where: The Bones safe house.
Summary: I've agreed that Zach needs knocked down a peg. Who better to do it than Neville? Fight! Fight!
Rating: Likely PG-13 for fist fighting and language.

Fiiiiiiiggghhhhttttt! )

Sep. 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

OWL to: Neville Longbottom
OWL from: Hannah Abbott

Looks like an advertisement for Quidditch supplies to a Mr. Saul Gooseberry at a different address other than the safe house in case of it ending up in the wrong hands. )

Sep. 18th, 2019




WHO: Molly Weasley and Neville Longbottom
WHEN: alastair and charlie are breaking up in the front yard probably; 9/18
WHERE: The Burrow
WHAT: Molly wants to know what the FUCK is up Neville no step the FUCK up Neville

molly wants a holiday tbqh )



[No Subject]

Who Neville & Ron
Where The Burrow; Ron's room
What Having the most important conversation
When Right after this
Rating TBD, probably low except for language

here till the bitter end )

Sep. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Ron and Neville.
When: 9.6 (backdated, evening)
Where: Lestrange Manor, in the dungeons.
Summary: They're prisoners, and they hate it but at least they have eachother.
Rating: TBD. In progress.

All he could keep thinking about was whether or not he'd ever make it back out, to see his family, to see Victoria, to see his mates ever again. )

Sep. 3rd, 2019



The owl never finds him, gets returned back to her.

OWL to: Neville Longbottom
OWL from: Astoria Greengrass


Sep. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

WHO: Bellatrix Lestrange and Neville Longbottom
WHAT: This will not be pleasant
WHEN: Sept 2; 5pm
WHERE: Bella's office
RATING|STATUS: Oh definitely R for violence and language | In progress

so antisocial but i don't care )

Aug. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Hannah and Neville.
When: Wee hours of the morning (8.31)
Where: 12 Grimmauld Place
Summary: Hannah is going to use cosmetic charms to cover his bruise, and then awkwardness? Lots of awkwardness.
Rating: NC-17 for SEXUAL CONDUCT. Hannah is being a harlot (but she still loves Ernie too, oops). Complete.

She didn't know honestly how Neville could be comfortable staying in a place such as this, it felt creepy in a sense, almost like an old haunted house would. )

Aug. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

who Harry Alec & Neville.
where Harry's flat.
what He's letting Neville hide out there if he wants/hang out with him post hunt.
rating tbd. | incomplete.

But now, now he had questions and he couldn’t shake them. )

Jul. 30th, 2019



owl to tracey davis

Owl )



[No Subject]




Package left at Grimmauld for Neville

Package left at Grimmauld for Neville )

Jul. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

who Harry Alec & Neville.
where Neville's house, his living room to be specific.
what Well, Neville mouthed off to the son of a death eater.
When Right after this.
rating R → Warning → mentions of torture. | incomplete.

It was the first spell that came to mine. )

Jul. 18th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Michelle Moon and Neville Longbottom
What: Attempting to get a tolerance for Veritaserum
When: July 18, 1998, 10:30pm
Where: Kentil Cottage, Newstead Village, Nottinghamshire, UK Midlands
Why: Because safehouses are safe and that's the point. No secrets get in or out.
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD. Depends how embarrassing the truth telling gets. Probably low to medium.

If it meant keeping other people safe, then this was a small price to pay. )

Jul. 6th, 2019



Anonymous Owl Sent to Neville Longbottom at his home

Anonymous Owl Sent to Neville Longbottom at his home )

Jun. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Astoria Greengrass and Neville Longbottom
When: Early afternoon to whenever (June 25th)
Where: Let's go with Tresco Abbey Garden, Tresco Island, Isles of Scilly, UK.
Summary: The two found that they have a lot in common and became friends, so now they're going on a garden tour.
Rating: TBD

The sound of night is gone, still it goes on and on. )

Jun. 22nd, 2019



owl to hannah abbott

to Hannah Abbott
from [sender unknown]
message Happy birthday! I wish I could be there with you.

sent along with the message )