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[Mar 15th, 10 4:51 pm

I know, I know, you all knew it was coming! I knew I didn't have time for him, I just got overly excited. And at least I had a lot of fun imagining him and writing his little memory! But yes, I just don't have the stamina for three characters, and I'd hate to take too much energy away from darling Bella. So I figured it's best to just let him go before he really does anything.

Godfried Gibbon...fade out. <3
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[ OOC MOD PRESENT ] [Mar 15th, 10 4:14 am

Ladies and, well, just ladies. Have you ever forgotten what date it is? We know we have, so that’s why we have a little treat for you. It is our great pleasure to present to you the year 1979. Never forget a date again with this - The Gentlemen of Numeri 1979 calendar*!

*The Imperius Curse may or may not have been used in the taking of the following pictures.

Click for your eye candy )
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[Mar 12th, 10 1:05 am

O HAI GAIS! I apologize in advance for the spaz-y-ness of this intro. Sleep deprived posts are ridiculous. I'm Yadira; Yadi, Dira, or Yara as you please! Miss Yadira if you're nasty. I'm running on EST time, but as a person with unhealthy sleeping habits you can reach me on aim at w0alikethat at truly sporadic and ridiculous hours of the day and night. And on the way less boring person...

This is Sahahie Zabini and she's a d-d-diva. Black widow extraordinaire and the original mean girl, Sahaie is twenty-four and an alumni of Slytherin. Or she would be an alumni if she had actually finished school instead of leaving before her final year to marry one very wealthy and ancient Mr. Peris Shrives. Her dead husband count is currently at two and she has a step-daughter, via her last late-husband, named Hannelore Wharton, who is currently a 7th year Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts.

Sahahie is very much like that bitchy high school queen bee, even at her current age of twenty something. If you are part of the in-crowd then she will be your bestest friend call-her-every-five-minutes. If you aren't, please kindly step to one side because all she hears when you speak is "blah blah blah I am poor and unfortunate looking". She owns and runs a made-to-order apparel shop, brazenly named after herself. And if you step inside without looking trendy and posh than the intensity of her scorn may cause you to actually burst into flame before she kicks you out. On the reverse, close friends who enter are treated to champagne, cushy chairs, her undivided attention, and one of her fashion bitches employees to fetch and carry things for you.

So....yes! Hoping that this made any sense at all. In case it didn't Sahahie's half-finished info can be found here. And I would absolutely love any and all lines you could find it in your hear to throw at me! =) ........iamsuperexcited!!
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[ IC MEME ] [Mar 11th, 10 7:12 pm

Meme Redux time!

This meme is recycled, it is in fact the FIRST meme that NUMERI ever did, back when the cast was only 7 characters! We think it's about time to redo it, hopefully to epic lolarious proportions.

"It’s Veritaserum time, everyone! The rules of the game are simple. Post your character’s name in this entry and they will be asked questions by the other members of the community, of which they must answer truthfully! This will all be done in character."
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[ OOC MOD NOTICE ] [Mar 11th, 10 5:37 am

We’re here to present to you, the wonderful players of Numeri, a new opportunity in character development that is bound to be just as fun as this game! Have you ever wished to log out a scene that is set pre-game history? Do you sometimes think of amazing ideas for threads that simply wouldn’t fit into our timeline? Perhaps you’ve had a brilliant plot bunny for a work of fiction including your characters but don’t have anywhere to post it?

We’re extremely happy to introduce you all to brand spanking new sister community - Numerote!

Here, scenes pre-1979 can be logged out following the same format as those in Numeri. You can also post any works of fiction you’ve created regarding your character! We really hope you guys go to town with this, and that we make Numerote just as enthralling as Numeri!

Hello! [Mar 10th, 10 10:42 pm

Hi everyone!

My name is Sarah and I'm bringing you Andromeda Tonks (goes by Andie to most of her friends)! A little about me -- I'm 25, on EST, and consider myself a full-time writer. What that really means, is I quit my full-time job to (omg, I'm actually 26 but have just been for a week and the fact that I remembered it late like this is totally going in here, wow) -- ANYway, what it really means is that I quit my full-time job to focus on writing and instead spend most of my time RPing, playing Pirates of the Caribbean online, or doing things for Hogwarts is Home on livejournal. Yeah, basically, not writing :/

Anyway, I'm playing Andromeda, and I would love to talk plot and such. You can read her worst memory on her journal, and I will try and have a full bio up asap.

I'm really looking forward to playing with you guys and have Lily to thank for bringing me into the game!!
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East Coast Reprezint! [Mar 10th, 10 3:56 pm

So, I know a few of you at least are from the Northeast, are any of you going to PAX East and/or Anime Boston and if yes would you like to meet up? I'll be at both of those, and I'm also going to MoCCA on the 10th (that's in NYC).
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[ IC MEME - PART II/II ] [Mar 6th, 10 10:42 pm

Tonight's meme is NUMERI'S version of IC!S. Character secrets will be added as they are submitted on this post.

hide your face so the world will never find you )
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[ IC MEME - PART I/II ] [Mar 6th, 10 10:15 pm

Tonight's meme is NUMERI'S version of IC!S. Comments to this entry are screened; please make images with secrets that your characters would submit and post them here! Once we have five, another entry will be posted with those first five secrets, but feel free to submit more secrets after the initial secrets are posted. You ARE allowed to post multiple secrets for one character, lie shamelessly, start drama that doesn't really exist--anything your character would do!

※ There are no hard-and-fast size requirements, just don't be obnoxious plzkthx. :)
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[Mar 4th, 10 11:08 pm

Wutz up Wutz up! I'm Ophelia and I come bearing Mafalda Hopkirk also known as Genghis Cunt. She's twenty two, and someone should really remind her of that sometimes, because it's like she's going on forty. She's a slytherin alumni, because ambition is what she eats for breakfast, and currently works for the ministry. She had some drama she will never ever ever willingly share with anyone surrounding her family and was raised by her uncle who was sort of a nit-picking, perfectionist, asshat, which made Mafalda into a nit-picking, perfectionist, asshat. It's a vicious cycle.

Mafalda has worked very hard to get to where she is. And by work, I mean cheat, scheme, and sabotage anyone who could seriously be considered a rival. She would like to think that she has outgrown her bursts of violent machination (that's not true at all, but Mafalda has issues so we'll let her think it is). She's not the friendliest woman you could ever meet in your whole life and her conversations with you were probably composed of borderline-rude-to-blatantly-rude sentences of 6 words or less. The exceptions are friends (even I'm not sure how she ended up with any of these) and people who like to, for whatever unknown reason, pick fights with her. In either case she can be very loquacious, particularly when it comes to the fighting---and I recently discovered she drops the f-bomb a lot when she's annoyed.

Mafalda has absolutely no affiliation of loyalties except to Mafalda, and to a certain extent the ministry. She finds the mockery of others to be absolutely hilarious, eats chocolate syrup out of the bottle when she's unhappy, reads trashy romance novels, and is always shocked when people aren't shocked that she bakes. Also, if your tie, necklace, what-have-you is crooked she will fix it. You cannot stop her. It is inevitable. And do not eat crab in front of her, because she will cut you and not bother to explain why.

sooooooo, i am hoing her out and she is all yours for any of your plotty wants or needs.

aim: phelforyou email: hateshamlet[at]yahoo[dot]com
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[Mar 4th, 10 6:38 am

Hello lovelies! <3

Let me know if you want to go hurt Muggles with me starting on Saturday night. I know a lot of people have said they're very busy lately (I totally commiserate, I've been avoiding AIM as too much of a distraction) so I just want to make sure I'm not burdening anyone!
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It's MOLLY WEASLEY, BITCHES [Feb 28th, 10 11:12 pm

So yes. Cori here with my new second character, MOLLY EFFING WEASLEY. We know how awesome she is in canon, and I hope to do justice to her young AU version.

What you need to know about Molly:
- She's 29 going on 4 sometimes.
- She was a Gryffindor, leaving Hogwarts in 1968.
- She's a brilliant witch, qualifying for a healer apprenticeship before she chucked it in to have her first bebe, Bill.
- She loves her family, but secretly the real reason she keeps trying for more kids is because she wants a little girl to coddle.
- She loves to cook.
- She LOVES to bake.
- She will feed you whether or not you're hungry.
- So just eat.

I welcome any and all lines for her! There's a certain skinny werewolf who needs feeding when his author's free, I already know that much. Come, get cookies from Molly!

And you get cookies if you recognise what her username is from.

Hell, you get cookies even if you don't. She's Molly Weasley!
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[ OOC MEME ] [Feb 28th, 10 8:07 pm

Welcome boys and girls, ladies and Ant, to NUMERI'S first OOC meme! In this case, it's a LOVE MEME. Reply to the main post once with each of your character journals, and others will reply to your comments and fawn over you.

+Constructive/specific compliments [I love X's snark/the way Y gets upset over being called short/etc] are more helpful than just "OMG ILUUUU", though the latter is quite nice!
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[Feb 28th, 10 12:37 pm

hey, ladies. it's ant here. sorry i've been extremely scarce as of late! i may be dropping one of my three dudes (preferably vernon) if things get too ridiculous in real life. anyway, i'm just checking in with you all to let you know i'm back .. hopefully.
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[ OOC MOD NOTICE ] [Feb 24th, 10 4:33 am

Please run the friends button!

It’s been updated, including removals.
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[ IC MEME ] [Feb 23rd, 10 10:29 pm

Welcome to a big old fashioned NUMERI-style game of MFK! This age-old teenage game, named as an acronym of [MARRY, FUCK, KILL] involves someone offering up three names, and someone else choosing to marry one, fuck one, and kill one of the above-mentioned people.

Each character should reply to the main post if they wish to start a thread. Any character may reply to any existing post, including one that has already been replied to, PROVIDED that their own name is not one of the three up for consideration!

Have fun. :)
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[Feb 23rd, 10 2:49 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to look at this face. This is the face of a weathered, addicted, psychotic control freak-- one I no longer have a handle on. .__. I have already relinquished the character and his attached number to our mods. It was fun while it lasted, but I haven't the energy to get into his character anymore, and what few lines he had are suffering for it.

I'm not leaving the game at large, of course. The player base is far too awesome to abandon, and I still enjoy writing Selwyn to a tremendous degree. I have another second character in the works. Stay tuned...!
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Introducing Godfried Gibbon... [Feb 19th, 10 2:34 am

It's Amanda again with my third and final character! Godfried Gibbon is a 25-year-old Slytherin alum. He's pretty memorable as he carries around a worn plush bear named Bartleby (his mother named it). Yes, if you peek under his DE robes at meetings, he probably has the bear (he needs it, in a room with so many scary people!). He is pale and frail and effete. If you work at St. Mungo's, you probably know him. He's been sickly his whole life (though he's doing a lot better now) and his father blames his deceased Muggleborn mother, which is how he got mixed up in this whole Death Eater business. He never really knew his mother. His father has a lot of that classic pureblood money and spoiled him his whole life. He adores his father and wants to impress him.

That said, he was a very poor student and he's incredibly clumsy. He's terrible at the Dark Arts; you really don't want him as your second in a duel. He works in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, because he had to learn how to fix all the calamaties he caused. After spending so much time indoors as a child, he thinks work is a wonderful treat. He hopes one day to be promoted to the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee, so if he tries out some sample excuses in his journal please give him constructive feedback. He needs it.

If you see him out on the street he probably has an umbrella to block the sun. He can be very kind and attentive, and he has impeccable manners. He's genuinely not evil, guys! Don't fight the urge - give him hugs! If he has to go out with the Death Eaters on missions he'll always have his fingers crossed that his only task will be to put the Dark Mark in the sky. Which he can handle.

Oh, and he still doesn't have a sexuality. I'm thinking. kissmecassius on AIM, kids! <3
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[ IC MEME ] [Feb 14th, 10 11:13 pm

The POLAROID MEME part two! Should you be in need of an explanation, see the link there. Otherwise, have at it! Try to comment with photographs that are different from what your character contributed with before, if you can.
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[Jan 28th, 10 10:32 pm

Hallo again all! It's Merry again, bringing you a charming Highlander, Mr. Isaiah Jugson. He's another Death Eater, but is young and wasn't raised into the whole scene. That doesn't mean he's any less of an interesting fellow. To you, he might come off as just a bit of an uptight sort, anal retentive and prone to blowing up on you if you haven't done it right Merlin I don't know how you keep your job sir/madam. He's a competent sort, though, and most of the time seems to live up to his own high standards.

On the other hand, you might not know that Isaiah is a firm believer in blood purity and likes to think of himself as a pureblood separatist. Particularly, he believes that everyone with more Muggle blood than a Black should be gotten rid of. But he grits his teeth and deals with his coworkers, and at worst is probably as bad as any old-timey traditionalist on the outside. You could invite him into your house for a spot of tea, even! And he would flay your Muggle arse and say disparaging things about your choice in furniture. Honestly, that pattern?

There is, of course, the matter of family, and it seems that pureblood families, even ones that don't really have a lot of money at all, tend kill their family members a lot, and Isaiah is no exception. There are a few reasons he killed his stupid drunken bastard father, the most obvious being that he was sleeping with a Muggle woman. But in truth, he'd been itching for a reason to get rid of the man, but you would have if you knew how horrible he was to Isaiah's poor, schizophrenic mother. In any case, that was almost seven years ago, she's in St. Mungo's, her son is well on his way to becoming a career killer, and they never found the bodies.

To contact Jugson, you can send a letter or come visit him (though this is not recommended) at his gorgeous house in Chelsea which he shares with his lovely friend Felix Mulciber. If he's not...tied up or anything.

To contact me for any plots you'd like this gorgeous piece of man meat for, you can contact me at ranmafreak93 on AIM. PLOTS!
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[Jan 28th, 10 9:28 pm

Hey kids! Yes, it's yet another baddie. Meet Felix Mulciber, the completely batshit peer of Snape, et al. Felix was born in 1957, but his October birthday held him back from entering Hogwarts until 1969 (class of '76). Cursing Mary Macdonald was a BRILLIANT graduation present, let him tell you...!

Felix has led a hard life. His own mother was murdered, practically in front of him, while she tried to turn a trick in their small Knockturn Alley flat. Since then he has been driven by the vestiges of a repressed memory, something he still hallucinates about to this day. It has driven him straight into the arms of madness-- but hey, he seems happy there. :DDDDDDDDDDD

Since leaving Hogwarts he has secured employment working for Universal Brooms Ltd. Some thought his manic energy would translate well to physical labour, but let's face it, brooms are just overlarge drumsticks to him. Somehow... he's still employed. XD He has a safety net, at least, in Isaiah Jugson, who shares a house with him. <3333333

Lines are welcome! This sick bastard needs an outlet other than slapping Isaiah around.

ETA: yes, I always forget this. I'm at disciplediscidi on AIM. :DDDDDDD
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[Jan 23rd, 10 9:52 pm

Hi everyone! I'm Anna bringing you Alecto Carrow. She's 23 24 23, a young angry DE, poor pureblood, and an herbologist for an apothecary in Ireland. She's a bit on the reckless side, cause she drinks, smokes, curses, etc. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that she likes blowing things up. :)

So any friends, enemies, etc?

My aim is ambutterf1y, and I'm glad to join the game!
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[ IC MEME ] [Jan 21st, 10 11:09 pm

Post a description (or actual picture) of a photograph one might find stashed somewhere in your character’s room. It could be particularly revealing, or just your average family snapshot. You decide! Others may then comment on the photos, requesting more information. For anyone who doesn't know, we're using the free downloadable program POLADROID in order to create these fun images!

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[Jan 20th, 10 9:54 pm

Hello, hello! I'm Cassie, bringing you the fantastic Mr. Malfoy. Before I get down to Lucius junk, you can find me on AIM at slytheriness923, though sometimes you'll have a better chance of reaching me through email at prequel_2_krazy_fics@yahoo.com. My CDJ is [info]ohemgee_cassie, though there's really no point in adding it seeing as I only update for past/current characters purposes! So anyway, I'm boring, moving on to Lucius:

Well, for one thing, he's better than you. That's right, you heard me and you know it's true. Or, well, at least he knows it's true. He's an arrogant SOB, living off of the family money as of now while being a full time DE and promoting the family name through charity work and blah blah blah. And ... hmm, I'm kind of brain dead tonight XD. Everything you could possibly want to know is here and his little mundane memory from his fifth birthday is here.

Anywhooo, that's about it. Luc is probably my favorite character to play and I'm looking forward to interacting with all you beautiful folks!
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So, Where Else Are You on the Internet? [Jan 20th, 10 4:00 pm

This icon has never been more appropriate. This is just a general post to put other places we might find you on the wild wild Internets.

My LJ is: http://carolpent.livejournal.com/
My Twitter is: http://twitter.com/infinite_guest

Now everyone can know how annoying/boring I really am!
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