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OOC WOOBIES [Jan 19th, 10 3:00 pm

I'm sorry for being AFK -- I've got Kori and Jess over at the house and we've been doing the tourist thing around the Bay Area. Tomorrow I should be popping my head back into things, but I wanted to apologise for not throwing up a notice.
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[Jan 18th, 10 7:16 am

Alright! Leah here (yes, again!) with another wonderful character for y'all to sink your teeth into.

May I present to you, Alexander Avery. He's an ex-Slytherin, an Aries, very single, and is somebody who enjoys a slice of murder and torture for his breakfast. He's a healer at St. Mungo's, which will probably do more harm that good in the long run. He's actually very good at his job, and is someone who shouldn't be underestimated. He's also a very good actor, what with having to put up with all the impurities that land themselves within the hospital. He is loyal through and through to the Dark Lord, and will do anything he is asked like a good little puppy.

For those whom he deems worthy, he is extremely charismatic, charming, polite, and a manner of other things that good little pureblood boys should be. For mudbloods, blood traitors and those who aren't worth his time, he is haughty, arrogant, and he'll be the first to tell you what a disgrace you are. Lovely bedside manner, this one has *snerk*

So basically, he's an unhinged psychopath running about in a hospital. Sounds fantastic, don't it? xD
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TONIGHT'S MEME IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY... [Jan 16th, 10 12:01 am



No seriously. Your characters are at a frat party. WHAT DO THEY DO.


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[Jan 15th, 10 7:50 pm


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[Jan 15th, 10 12:26 pm

Hey lovelies, it's Amanda/Bellatrix again with the adorably self-serving Mundungus Fletcher. He likes his mum, Dumbledore, pubs, and your money. And he likes that a lot. Invite him to your house/office/a restaurant/a museum and he will take something. It may be a vase, it may be a napkin ring, it may be the lower hinge on a cabinet that you don't notice is missing for a couple years. He's the kind of guy who finds knuts on the ground wherever he goes.

Mundungus (or "Fletch," as he would really, really like it if you called him) is sort of like Dickens' Artful Dodger grown up. Streetwise, resilient, and with a pinch of sweet sadness. Like the contraband king in prison, Mundungus can get you almost anything you're looking for. And by you, he means anyone, on any side of the war. And he will grovel, if you're into that.

He also prides himself on knowing a bit more about Muggles than the average wizard, and he has a great respect for Muggle con artists and criminals - especially bankrobbers - for the sheer ingenuity it takes to steal without magic. When he was little, he dreamed of having a wife who could change into a monkey: the ultimate partner in crime.

From a profits standpoint he LOVES the war. He will try to sell you anything and everything to keep you safe. It will often be something from the Muggle world that he hopes you don't know about (which is why Muggleborns can be kind of a nuisance).

Anyway, I've never played anyone but a DE so this is a little bit of an experiment! I figured he wasn't TOO good for me. And I don't have the stamina to keep up a written cockney accent or slang consistently, but I'll throw in a mincers reference here and there. Again I'm at kissmecassius on AIM.
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Introducing... [Jan 14th, 10 3:11 pm


So I finally sat down and wrote out the rest of his app, and here he is! This is turning out to be the most failtastic hiatus ever.

Meet Peter. Among other things, he's a halfblood (muggle mother/halfblood father), a middle child (two sisters), a geek, a Brummie, an apothecary at St. Mungo's, an Order member, and of course an Animagus. He also claims to be an adult sometimes. For now, Peter is extremely devoted to his friends whatever they think of him, though he still tends to be a bit of a tag-along. Well, not really a 'bit'. He's a ball of fears and insecurities, nervous and k-kind of stuttery, you know? Even so, he's joined the Order with the intention of helping to fight when in reality he's really not cut out to be a soldier. However, he has yet to be broken by the war, and to his credit his heart is in the right place. For now. Admittedly, he's a sweet kid and eager to please, but it's also extremely easy to play to his fears and manipulate him.

Also, Star Wars. (You didn't see it, but he just squeed right there.)

As always, I'm Merry and you can feel free to contact me for any reason at all at ranmafreak93 (AIM) or mhossfield@gmail.com.
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[Jan 14th, 10 2:32 pm

Hello everybody! I'm Cori and I bring you more of the evil you crave. Meet Matthew Selwyn, your friendly neighbourhood introverted sociopath. Oh yes, you know the one. “But he was always such a quiet boy. A good boy.” A pretentious little swot, in fact, who has only the bare minimum of social skills it takes to function in proper Pureblood society. As an introverted bookworm he is, if nothing else, a master of tact. Impolitic opinions? Where? No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

The public face of Matthew Selwyn is seemingly an open book, though he does tend to hide in same. He is a Ravenclaw alumnus ('73) and a French interpreter for the Department of International Magical Co-Operation, vying for an administrative or diplomatic position. He is more than a little prudish; if invited out for drinks, he would accept graciously only to order Butterbeer, and he has definitely never been laid. Still, he seems harmless enough.

Secretly, Selwyn is an extremist whose beliefs go beyond the tenets of the Pureblood supremacy dogma. He is extremely puritanical, and he believes that any and all degenerate behaviours in which his fellow wizards engage-- from extramarital affairs to bestial violence-- can be blamed on the corrupting influence of Muggles, who yet still infiltrate their society in the guise of wizards. Lord Voldemort's campaign gave him more than an intellectual outlet for his beliefs-- purge the Ministry, purge the world-- but Selwyn is not circumspect enough to recognise that many of his comrades would find an excuse to study the Dark Arts even without a Cause.

Still, he is steadfast to that Cause, so much so that he was willing to sacrifice his own blood to it. He had a sister, four years his junior and lacking any trace of his orthodoxy. She had the temerity to say that the Ministry as it stood was more advantageous to her, and that this rumoured Dark Lord sounded like a tyrant who would leave everybody behind. She was not as loud or as embarrassing as some other families' blood traitors, but even so-- RIP. Selwyn likes to believe that his sororicide, a year gone now, guaranteed his loyalty, and elevated him in the Dark Lord's eyes.

I'm open to suggestions for lines! I was so totally bullied into this by Leah and Lily, so my ideas as they relate to this game are still half-formed. :) And I definitely need to app a less pretentious character at first opportunity.

ETA: Oh, and my contact info! You can email me at joly6598 AT hotmail.com, or I'm on AIM as disciplediscidi. (Damn username character limits, I can't fit discipulusdiscidi in anywhere!)
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Pleh [Jan 13th, 10 2:47 pm

So it turns out the beginning of the semester isn't treating me as kindly as I hoped it would, and I'm afraid I need to take a (maybe one-two week) hiatus to get real life in proper order. I apologize, and thank you all for your patience.

ETA: Peter's app and Rodolphus's background (which doesn't matter as much, but it matters to me so ha) are coming.
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[Jan 11th, 10 12:47 am

Hello! My name is Tasha. I just had a sudden urge to write hp again so I thought I'd give this place a go. It's been something like a year since I last wrote hp. Anyways this is Benjy Fenwick, 23 years old, Pureblood, former Ravenclaw, former Headboy, and man of few words. He is the youngest of 6 boys and the only one that didn't make it to Slytherin. He's a shy fellow who was impeccably raised, interestingly enough by a bunch of Death Eater sympathizers, two of his brothers took the mark. Benjy on the other hand isn't really a tough guy, he was always a mama's boy and really sheltered and coddled by her. Once he got sorted into Ravenclaw he got picked on a bit by his family, especially since he seemed to take a serious liking to Hufflepuff girls (what can he say? he likes them sweet.). I think you all see where this is going. He got kicked out of the house when he was caught dating a muggle over the summer before his 7th year and that set off a chain of events which led to Benjy deciding to become an Auror, you know, just to spite his father and brothers. Personality wise Benjy comes off very aloof and shy. He's a hard worker and a bit of a perfectionist who really is just waiting for his father to see that he's awesome and welcome him back with open arms (it's not happening, but he's not giving up). Once you get close to Benjy he's very sweet and observant. He's the kind of guy to hear someone's birthdate once and five months later remember it and have a present ready. Really good with details and he gets a great deal of pleasure from doing nice things for others to express himself since he isn't great with words. As an order member, he's almost always silent unless he absolutely has to speak up, and frequently prefers to write down his criticism of a plan and pass it on to the powers that be rather than duke it out with an audience. He's logical but he's not above taking risks since he's of the philosophy that you have to take risks to get miraculous results.

So that's Benjy! I'd love to find him a nice girl for him to have endless affection for but he's maybe only said two words to. A bff would be great. Maybe an enemy death eater or two who knows his brothers. Someone who is always trying to get him to talk (but isn't succeeding). And anything and everything else!
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[Jan 9th, 10 4:55 am

Here's Leah, back with another Order member for you all! (Poor, outnumbered Death Eaters...)

This here is Marlene McKinnon, the pixie sized wonder herself. Half-blood (muggle father, witch mother). She's the middle child, with a stunning (yet slutty) older sister and a charming and successful younger brother. Single, not looking. Ex-Gryffindor, graduated in the same class as the Marauders and Lily. She currently works as a DJ on the WWN (Midnight with Marly; Mon-Sat from 10PM til 1AM - be there or be square!).

She can't sit still for longer than a minute, and she's always got something to say. Also, she has a touch of ADHD, so she can be a little hyperactive sometimes. She's got a habit of getting into trouble, more often than not because of Sirius.

All in all, she's a pint-sized badass.
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Intro [Jan 7th, 10 5:28 pm

Hello All, This is Kori, a little late on the intro and bringing you one half of the handsome, troublesome, Prewett twins. He's part trouble, part ladies man, part order member. Generally an all around fun loving guy, unless you're on the wrong end of his wand.

Sorry so short, but I'm in the middle of writing my Masters' thesis atm. Can't wait to start playing with you guys!

I can be reached at fllnangel23 on AIM/Y!M or chaosdancing on gmail.
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[Jan 7th, 10 4:04 am

Hi there!

I'm Leah. I'm a nineteen year old student from the UK. I've been role playing on and off for about six years, mostly HP. If you need me, my AIM is leahtragic.

Now, onto business. I just took on this burning hunk of angst. His name is Regulus, and he refuses to talk to you unless you're worthy, got it? Good. He doesn't have a job, because he doesn't need one. He still lives at home with his mother (so feel free to laugh at him). He prefers to spend his days wandering around aimlessly, hoping to pick up information. Suffice to say, it hardly ever works. He's easily led and easily manipulated, which is why he's a Death Eater. The poor kid is in way too deep though, and pretty soon he'll probably want out (good luck, is all i'm saying). Aside from being one of Voldemort's lackeys, Regulus is a pretty decent bloke. He's nice to the people he likes, and is an extremely generous and calm soul. He will probably glare and pout at you if he doesn't like you though, and try his best to let you know how much he disapproves of you.

So, there we have it. Who wants him? :P
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I'm in Your RPs. Playin' Your Death Eaters, [Jan 6th, 10 11:00 am

Hallo! My name is Merry, and I'll be your Rodolphus Lestrange this evening. He's not one of my usual suspects, but I'm having a fun time figuring him out. He's one of those characters who has very little canon to go on, so I'm having a bit of fun. So, Rodolphus. He's a relatively decent chap by pureblood supremacist standards aside from the fact that he's a mad biscuit. He prizes his family's reputation and thereby his own above certain personal freedoms, but he is the eldest son of an old family so if we're being kind we can give him that on Thursdays. He's about as into Death Eating as you can be without going into Trafalgar Square and singing "Voldemort Uber Alles", and, as you might have picked up from his memory, has been waiting for this war for a while now. Keep your fingers away from his teeth and I'm sure we'll be friends.

For plotting and chatting (I do like random chit-chat), my AIM is ranmafreak93. Hope to play with you soon!
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[Jan 3rd, 10 6:43 pm

Why hello everybody!

My name is Jillian (not to be confused with mod Jilly which) and this handsome young devil is Arthur Weasley, the most prolific hit wizard currently serving... prolific meaning he has proliferated. A lot.

Arthur is a mercurial man. His youthful appearance and goofy, whimsical attitude can turn on a dime to reveal a passionate, lightning-tempered man. He's careless in his anti-pureblood stance, which hasn't made him a whole lot of friends in the current climate, but being seen as a generally harmless hit wizard has probably been what's kept him safe so far. He LOVES Muggle music and anything that goes fast.

Looking forward to playing with everyone and this random number system!!
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[Dec 25th, 09 11:46 pm


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