August 28th, 2014

[info]dragonsong in [info]nowhereisland

Lost Queen

Who: Danerys and Graham
What: Chemistry Test between characters
Where: Lobby of Complex
When: Midnight or after
Rating: PG to M
Other: Luna and Danerys thread is still active; living earlier in the day

Snow fell silently from the sky, the Stark motto, 'Winter is coming,' danced around Dany's head leading her thoughts to home, wondering if the seven kingdoms were also facing Winter. Winter in Westeros was so much harder than the Winter they were facing here on the island, or at least that was what Dany had been told.

The silver-haired queen felt the unrest of her dragons; they wanted warmth, sadly there was nothing she could do for them. Truthfully, her thoughts were more on Luna than anything else. She was smart enough to realize her mothering instincts kicked in when it came to Luna.

Danerys led armies, yet she had difficulties navigating in this world. Worise, she felt she was failing Luna as a friend. She was even sure what a friend really meant.

Walking over to one of the couches in the lobby, she stat watching the dragons fly, melting the ice on the ocean with their fire, then diving to get fish. They were stronger when she was near, just as she was more powerful when they were near.

At that moment she resembled a snow goddess.

February 2021



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