August 1st, 2014

[info]footballlegacy in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Drew and Jacqueline
What: Getting together and talking
Where: Their room
When: Current
Why: Cause they can
Rating: PG-13
Open: Closed to them

Drew felt really dumb that he hadn't thought to look in their room to find Jacqueline. For some strange reason he had assumed she would be out somewhere doing something, anything, after their having been caged in the cave for so long. It occurred to Drew that he was the one not ready to sit in a small space yet and that he had sort of hoped that Jacqueline was thinking the same thing. At the same time he wasn't really in the mood to be surrounded by people either.

I'm not sure what I want right now... )

[info]little_ninja in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Jaelin and Riley
What: Checking on Riley
Where: Their room
When: Current
Why: Because Jaelin realizes Riley hasn't dealt with being kidnapped
Rating: PG-13
Open: Closed to them

Jaelin made a beeline for the apartment after Riley answered her text. In the aftermath of everything that had happened to them, Riley had been a Godsend. Throughout the day, Jaelin had been thinking about all that had been going on since everyone had been rescued and she started to realize something. Riley hadn't done anything to deal with what really happened.

Time to take care of yourself )

[info]sleepnolonger in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Aurora&Caspian
What: Random meeting
Where: Rising Fire Stables first then who knows
When: Afternoon
Why: Aurora is finally doing some exploring
Rating: PG-13 at the very highest
Open: Just to them

Where is my knight when I need one... )

[info]feisty_kyra in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Riley&Kyra
What: Finally dragging her out
When: Evening
Where: Their apartment first, then who knows where
Why: Riley wants Kyra to venture into the outside world
Rating: PG-13 for now
Open: Just to them

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger )

February 2021



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