May 21st, 2014

[info]spiralofthewolf in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Laura&Cora Hale
What: Taking care of each other
Where: Hospital first, then the hotel
When: Just after she was saved
Why: Do they need a reason?
Rating: PG-13 for now
Open: Open to Stiles, Derek, Chloe, and Isaac

The rain fell slow, down on all the roofs of uncertainty/I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me/And did you know.../I never thought that you'd lose the light in your eyes )

[info]loveisalluneed in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Aasta&Ian
What: It's Ian's turn to take care of Aasta
Where: Hospital first
When: Just after she was saved
Why: Aasta needs her family
Rating: PG-13 for now
Open: to Thor, Anna Henderson, and Aiden Waite

It's time for someone to take care of the tough lady )

[info]kingpan in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Peter Pan&Wendy Darling
What: Dealing with emotions
Where: Hospital first
When: Just after he was saved
Why: He wants to see Wendy
Rating: PG-13
Open: To Killian if he is around

It's all fun and games until the Lost Boy gets tortured )

[info]hisloyalblogger in [info]nowhereisland

Who: John&Sherlock
What: Taking care of each other
Where: Hospital first
When: Just after Sherlock's text
Why: John is worried and wants to take care of Sherlock
Rating: PG-13 for now:
Open: To Moriarty if he is around

For God sake let me take care of you )

[info]feisty_kyra in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Cecelia&Krya
What: Sister bonding/being taken care of
Where: Kyra's apartment
When: Afternoonish
Why: Kyra wants her sister
Rating: PG-13
Open: To any of the Harkness siblings

What are sisters for )

[info]rain_of_artois in [info]nowhereisland

Who: Rain and Rose
Where: The Hospital
When: after he'd seen his father
What: He wants to see his room mate
Rating: TBD
Open to: Friends and family of hers

Just want to see how you're doing )

February 2021



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