August 20th, 2012

[info]darkdeath in [info]nowhereisland

Through the Looking Glass

Who: Katherine Pierce, OTA
Where: Walking up the beach
When: Evening:
What: Arrival on Island
Rating: TBD

Bored, the dark-haired beauty looked around. She the boys, her boys, the delicious Salvatore brothers. Katherine could never quite choose between them. Stefan had been her choice, it was after all Stefan who killed his brother.

Katherine Petrovka hadn't always been manipulative or a cruel bitch. These were things she'd learned, lessons from sacrifices, lessons from a broken heart. Emotions, words and actions born from such evil, the truth was she could have been so much worse.

Through the Looking Glass )

[info]imnotkatherine in [info]nowhereisland

The Secrets of the Water

Who: Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore
Where: Ocean
When: Afternoon
What: Drowning
Rating: M for Mature Subject Matter

Elena's chest felt heavy, weighted. Invisible fingers pulled her down, down ever down. Pushing she felt a pushing feeling the water was playing with her, bruising her and grasping, hurting, strong fingers grabbing at her missing her once.

The last living Gilbert woman felt like a rag doll, pulled by two competing forces, the wrath of the unforgiving water, and the fingers.

At first she began to fight, the fingers were frightening. All she could do was remember. Remember the force of the car sinking to the bottom, sinking into the darkness. Trying to scream, she took in water.

Almost Dead Again )

February 2021



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