November 2018




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Oct. 12th, 2018


I don’t know if I like school this year. They're kind of picking on me because I have two dads.

I'm not the only one who has two dads. So what is the deal? Plus, it's 2018.

Sep. 4th, 2018


[Miles, Skye]
I don't like what is going on. And I'm concerned for both of your safety so I'm going to ask Dominic and Anya to come over. Extra eyes.

[Anya, Dominic]
Can you two come over until whatever is happening stops? We're stronger as a group.

Are you safe?

Aug. 30th, 2018


So my classes are okay but my teachers suck. We already have an assignment. Write an essay about what we did this summer.

What should I write about first? My bio dad attacking us, or the fact that my dads were fighting for the first time in my life?

This sucks.


So, I have a grandchild(ren) here. One that's not yet born and the same one from the future.

I'd like to meet her. Hint, hint.

Aug. 12th, 2018


How'd I get to the hospital? And why won't they let me leave?

Never mind. I'll just break out of here and hope they don't have my information. I hate doctors.

Aug. 5th, 2018


[Miles, LJ, Tess, Skye]
Until I fix this, I'm gonna lock myself up every month. I know it doesn't make up for what happened before anyone says it. Bought chains today.

[Magic users]
People who can do powerful magic, help me out? I need to do a healing spell. Or purifying or something.

Or at least direct me to some pure silver. Preferably a knife.

Aug. 2nd, 2018



So, what did you think you were doing?

And did you hear what Dad did? He got drunk and got arrested. Daddy just had to go pick him up. He's that mad and upset at you.

Why... why did you come over here? Daddy said you never did that before.

Jul. 26th, 2018


Locked to Claudia McCall-Stilinski

Do your dads talk about sex on the network where you can see?!

It was so embarrassing.

Jul. 21st, 2018


I need one of those friends that doesn't get annoyed when I ask them to take like, one hundred pictures of me so whichever one of them looks best can get posted.

Jul. 4th, 2018


I've been reading the books Miles got about babies and...I'm nervous but more excited.

What's your favorite color in the whole world?

Um... Can we discuss what's going to happen?

Jun. 27th, 2018


So.... my dads..... what? Why is it not in the future? I'm.... it's 2018, I'm not even born yet in this year.

Dad? Daddy?