November 2018




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Oct. 17th, 2018


I was... I had a plan, and I just found out who my real parents are. How am I supposed to find Richard Grayson and Barbara Gordon now?

I'm Rosalie.

Oct. 13th, 2018


Private from Bruce Wayne

So I don’t know what to do about Bruce. I really like him, but his "ward" as he calls him, has this huge problem with me.

I don't want to come between them. I would feel bad about that. But I don't know that I should let Richard's opinion get in the way either.

Aug. 8th, 2018


I will not let me fear guide me.

I'm going to use it.

Jul. 18th, 2018


No way! The Lima Bean is here! Their coffee is so much better than Starbucks!

B! B, baby, the Bean is here!!!!

Apr. 2nd, 2018


Private to Richard

Joker's here.

I can't do this again. Not after last time. I'm not strong enough.

Mar. 28th, 2018


Ooh, what do we have here?

Mar. 15th, 2018


My boyfriend is adorable. I mean, full out. I love watching him when he's playing a video game solo. His tongue sticks out of his mouth. It's the cutest thing.


So, um, Jacks wants to meet you with you wearing the costume.

Mar. 14th, 2018


I just..... I don't..... I hate these stupid crutches. They aren't easier than the wheelchair.

It's..... I'm miserable.

Feb. 21st, 2018


Things I need:

- To go back home!!
- Dick to not just show up out of the blue thankyouverymuch
- Luke to not be upset
- Coffee

Love, Babs.