November 2018




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Oct. 25th, 2018


So it's super.. I just got Cas back. We got to pretend to be cowboys. I don't like being here.

Please send me home.

Sep. 12th, 2018


We stopped the... demons. It's safe to go out.

Now comes the drinking.

Sep. 2nd, 2018


You know, I was having fun prancing around all normal-like, but tigers and stripes...

I'll leave the body in the street. Gift wrapped special for my favorite hunters! Or should I say, family, since I have Stiles.

Aug. 26th, 2018


Dean Winchester

Stop sleeping in Jo's bathroom.

You're coming with me and then we're taking you home to Cas.

Aug. 24th, 2018


That freak beat me. With a CROWBAR.

Where's my mom? I know that there was a ticking and...I can't let something happen to her. Even if it was her fault.

Aug. 23rd, 2018


private to Dean Winchester

Can you please come home? I really miss you. It's lonely without you here. I don't like being apart from you this long.


Private from Dean Winchester

Okay. I love Dean. I do. He's a good man. But having him here when he's not looking for Stiles is exhausting. I get why he's upset with Castiel.

But he loves that man, and that man loves him. And Dean is being incredibly stubborn. Even if I get why. Now that I'm a mom, I get the protecting your kid thing way more than I used to.

I just, he needs to go home.

Aug. 17th, 2018


Anyone seen my son? He's supposed to be grounded. And he's missing. He was supposed to be home from Dad's hours ago.

Stiles Winchester, you're just getting into more trouble.

Aug. 13th, 2018


Dad is going to get mad but I need to

I haven't had a nightmare that bad since I was a kid. And I don't think I've ever woke up screaming.

Aug. 1st, 2018


So I had way too much fun ruining wings for Stiles. There's a twisted part of me that I enjoy way too much.

And I really do miss Jack and Claire. I just came from taking Jo to get her prenatals at the pharmacy. Sam was working I think. It also got me thinking about how I haven't gotten to raise a kid from infancy. That's kind of a bummer. I used to think about it.

Not that I would trade what I have for anything.

Jul. 23rd, 2018



I figured we need to talk more often. How have you and Derek been doing? I still try and talk to Dean.. without him getting angry. Is Derek back to normal as well?


I wish we could go on a mini vacation somewhere. Just the two of us. Not even sure what's around here to actually do something together. I want to do something romantic. I love you.

Jul. 22nd, 2018


As glad as I am that Cas, Sam, Dad, and Jo are here, with Jo being pregnant, I really kind of wish Claire and Jack were here.

They're like mine and Cas' kids. I worry about them. Especially Jack. He may have a lot of power, but he's still learning how to use it. Without us he might find someone who will exploit him.

It could just be me worrying too much but I just can't stop.

Jun. 27th, 2018


So I am SO GLAD to be back to being able to be with my boyfriend.

Jun. 7th, 2018


So, regular sex. I recommend everyone have it.

I'm so happy right now.

May. 25th, 2018


So I was exploring new music Questionable. Maybe I'll stick to Dean's music.

May. 15th, 2018


Guess how much sleep I've gotten since I got here? Barely any.

May. 2nd, 2018


Look out - new Bluebird songs will be first heard and LIVE at 360 this weekend.

I'm so excited. I wrote a bunch of songs since I showed up here.

Apr. 21st, 2018


My Cas is here and he loves me. And he's healed my leg. I've got a road ahead of me as far as mental healing, but I'm going to be okay. Cas is here and he loves me too.

That's all that matters right now.

Apr. 8th, 2018


Sam Winchester



Apr. 7th, 2018


Was I sent here as a punishment? I don't really know how to work this thing.. I need to go back home now.

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