May 17th, 2015



Characters: Kate & OPEN
Location: Outside the apartments
Time: Sunset
Warnings: TBD, likely mentions of blood, death, violence, snake vampires. FDTD should be its own warning
Summary: Kate reflects on recent events in her life.
Status: In Progress | Open


Has no one told you, she's not breathing. Hello. I'm your mind, giving you someone to talk to.Read more... )



Characters: Letty & OPEN
Location: Exploring town
Time: Early evening
Warnings: TBD, probable bad language
Summary: Letty is checking things out
Status: In Progress | Open


She was a fast machine. She kept her motor clean. She was the best damn woman that I ever seen.Read more... )



Who: Sidney Prescott [info]hellosidney & Rick Grimes [info]rick
When: April 28th, evening.
Where: Sidney’s Apartment
What: Sidney’s made food and invites Rick and Judith over for dinner.
Rating: Low
Warnings: Language, thoughts of death/murder, a little angst, and normal life.
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

if you need a break let me know )