Posts Tagged: 'simon+petrikov'

May. 26th, 2015



Characters: Richie Gecko [info]lockartist + OPEN.
Location: Sulking around in shaded areas.
Time: 26 May, midday.
Warnings: Language and sour attitude.
Summary: Avoiding the sun, being aggravated.
Status: OPEN, ongoing.

The problem? It was the sunniest fucking day ever and Richie has been sitting in this bus stop for about twenty minutes. )

May. 25th, 2015



Who: Karen Page [info]karenp & OTA
When: Monday, May 25; early afternoon
Where: Test City Mall; Food Court
What: Karen's shopping for herself and for Matt, and decided to take a break for lunch
Rating: Probably PG/Low; will update as needed
Warnings: Maybe language, mostly depends on who tags in
Status: OPEN | In Progress

At least this was something familiar. She could ignore the rest of the ridiculousness. )

Mar. 29th, 2014


tag dump, ignore
