Posts Tagged: '-+drop'



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Hey guys! More housekeeping.

Now that I know who is here to finish off the game and who isn’t, let me go ahead and cover some stuff:

DROPS: Cilla, Bronte, Jun, Jackie and Steph. The Hateful 8 is now the Fantastic 5.

  • I’m giving everyone max activity points to spend this month for being patient with me: 16 pts. I recommend spending them, we’re getting to the end of things. Elemental resistances might also be a good idea, but that’s all the hint I’m giving.
  • We have a couple changes to the upgrades, but as always, just comment on the page with what you’re purchasing.
  • Everyone gets 3 additional hit points, and 1 additional skill point to add to their stats. You cannot exceed 2 for any stat unless you are a Class 3. Class 3s cannot exceed 4.
  • If you need to retrace what else has been awarded so far and make sure you have everything added to your character, here is the other mod post I did with rewards.

Upgrades will be open until MIDNIGHT, AUGUST 16TH.
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Hello everyone! I have some housekeeping and plot updates:

  • We lost three players: Anna (Melanie), Brooke (Juniper) and Cairo (Moses & Jasper).

  • I'm working on adding a few new skills to the chart. Once I finish that, I'll hand out the next batch of activity points and let you guys spend away!

  • In the mean time, as a thank you for staying active and keeping the game afloat: +3 HP and +1 to any single stats that is not already at 2.

  • Lastly, but most importantly, I've compiled a doc that names some of the prominent doctors that characters from the HDP might've encountered. While all HDP characters were generally aware of these doctors, I've broken the playable characters up into different cell blocks, and that determines which doctor(s) were actually in charge of their progress.
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