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Okay folks, so here’s the rundown for the first of the two wrap up missions:

  • Delilah Moore is trying to make more engineered mutants. She’s teamed up with the Liberation League to make this happen, and together they’ve started targeting select populations with a stronger strain of the original virus. This is what’s been causing rapid, uncontrollable mutations in humans and extreme and often times fatal power surges in other mutants (i.e Cora or the pyrokinetic from the gala).
  • Thanks to Psion, Miguela received a file with enough intel for the Resistance to be able to track down Delilah’s base of operations; a warehouse just outside of Houston where she’s storing the toxic strain for further research.
  • As PAUL presents the information received from the file, those who defected from the Liberation League recognize their former bosses, which officially ties the LL to Delilah.
  • Richard insists on giving any members of the HDP the first chance to volunteer for this mission, but with the new information on Delilah’s plans, the Resistance no longer takes a neutral stance on stopping her.


  • Sign ups. Who is going this mission? You sign up however many you want, just make sure you can manage them.
  • Who stayed behind? Anyone that stayed, I’d like to know where they will be the next morning following the mission. HQ? A haven? At home? Denny’s? The moon?
  • Were those stay stayed behind with anyone else at the time?
  • Please note that while the mission will be posted Friday evening/Saturday morning, it doesn’t take plane on those days. I’ll determine when it actually takes place when we get closer to wrapping it up.



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OKAY GUYS, the game has lost traction and I'm accepting this, but I still want to do a proper final wrap up. It seems like everyone that's left is still interested in the mission portion of closing, so I am basically going to just write those up and we can play out those parts which will bring the game to a close and the world to the brink of war. :D

What I need from you guys is an idea of availability over the next few weeks, so if you could reply and let me know that, I'll try to plan accordingly! :)



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Hey guys! More housekeeping.

Now that I know who is here to finish off the game and who isn’t, let me go ahead and cover some stuff:

DROPS: Cilla, Bronte, Jun, Jackie and Steph. The Hateful 8 is now the Fantastic 5.

  • I’m giving everyone max activity points to spend this month for being patient with me: 16 pts. I recommend spending them, we’re getting to the end of things. Elemental resistances might also be a good idea, but that’s all the hint I’m giving.
  • We have a couple changes to the upgrades, but as always, just comment on the page with what you’re purchasing.
  • Everyone gets 3 additional hit points, and 1 additional skill point to add to their stats. You cannot exceed 2 for any stat unless you are a Class 3. Class 3s cannot exceed 4.
  • If you need to retrace what else has been awarded so far and make sure you have everything added to your character, here is the other mod post I did with rewards.

Upgrades will be open until MIDNIGHT, AUGUST 16TH.
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Hello everyone! I have some housekeeping and plot updates:

  • We lost three players: Anna (Melanie), Brooke (Juniper) and Cairo (Moses & Jasper).

  • I'm working on adding a few new skills to the chart. Once I finish that, I'll hand out the next batch of activity points and let you guys spend away!

  • In the mean time, as a thank you for staying active and keeping the game afloat: +3 HP and +1 to any single stats that is not already at 2.

  • Lastly, but most importantly, I've compiled a doc that names some of the prominent doctors that characters from the HDP might've encountered. While all HDP characters were generally aware of these doctors, I've broken the playable characters up into different cell blocks, and that determines which doctor(s) were actually in charge of their progress.
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After nearly missing my connecting flight, I am happy to report that I'm ALMOST HOME. The vacation was great, but this is my official announcement that I'm off work for a month and I just had a whole 9 hour flight to scheme your future heart breaks. Keep an eye out for activity check in and a few mod posts this week to get stuff going!


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Hey, guys!

So, these last two months - I can't even begin to describe. Some of you might have saw on my CDJ that I met someone - and normally that wouldn't be a huge deal but he was only technically here for two months, so I kind of set down my computer and fell in love. That means I haven't been around, have no idea what's happening, but I'm in. I want to be in, and I love you guys.

He flew back to London on Thursday, which means you've got me and a LOT of my time.

Much love,
Bliss and Darcy



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Hey guys!

Sorry I sort of dropped off the planet with end of semester getting all my assessments in stuff. That's now all done but I am overseas from tonight, so sorry for not being around + 2 week hiatus from today. I will still have internet and everything so I will try get to my tags and am contactable if needed, but otherwise Will is pretty much just working and so not around much unless you're getting coffee.

❤ Bronte



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going on hiatus, as i'm headed up north with my bro for a camping trip in DENALI and enjoying the midnight sun. expect very intermittent activity from yours truly until next weekend!

gus is in mexico on a secret mission with adam. kai is in ghana to investigate stuff from their prior mission. daiana is busy TAing summer classes. beckett is avoiding everybody. she is not a fan of houston sry2say.

email me if you need me!



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I will be on hiatus from Friday, June 17th - Sunday, July 3rd. I'm going on a Mediterranean cruise, whoo~

Anyway, a couple things:

  • Our lovely Katie & Loren will be left in charge, but I trust you all to do your own thing w/o me for a couple of weeks!

  • I'm leaving a few news article write ups and things like that with them to be posted throughout the duration of my hiatus, which will start setting up our next plot arcs! Those plots will officially kick off when I return, and I have the whoooole month of July off so :D :D :D

  • If you have any questions before I go, PLEASE EMAIL ME. Don't hesitate, doesn't matter if you think it's dumb! Email is going to be the best way to get ahold of me as I am basically living on mobile for the next two and a half weeks.

  • With that said, I should be available in (my) evenings to answer emails if something really serious comes up, but other than that, let's treat this time as a recovery from the HS AU & adjustment period for our new recruits!

  • OH YEAH. Where the fuck my characters will be: Adam is in Mexico with Gus on some seekrit mission stuff. Bejide was sent back to Ghana to check things out. Rafael is competing in an MMA tournament so he's in Vegas (he'll text the turtles like every night and facetime because he's needy AF), Justin is in and out but mostly out doing some spying on the LL for the Resistance, MILO has vanished again but he left an email with 25 stupid puns related to their power in everyone's inbox before he left (his way of saying goodbye), PAUL is back in charge and more pissy than usual, JONES is running on reserve which basically means she's lurking around and occasionally trolling PAUL.

  • Prom stuff will go up some time tomorrow when I get home from work! Hero will also be announced as President that morning.

I love you all lots, you're the best!




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Hey babes.

I'll be hiatusing from now to the 30th. I should be around (hopefully) to wrap up the plot but starting the weekend, I'll be hiatusing from the comms and a lot slower via e-mail/hangouts/etc. If you need to reach me, e-mail is still the place. It'll just be a bit til I can get to it! I WILL be doing thread tags ... just a LOT slower than I have been lately (which is slow).

I just have a lot of school stuff going on and you guys are just TOO good. My refresh button needs a break :-P

If you need any of mine, just ask. where they will be )



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On the north wall of the school this morning... )



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I think I can handle a couple more shorter logs for the AU (or other stuff tbh) now that I've finished a few! I might be intermittently slow but I want to get as much writing with you guys in as possible before I leave the country for two weeks!! ....I'll make a mod post about that this weekend btw. So it's all official and whatnot.


P.s. Jun and beks you two are already on my hit list. :)



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Happy Monday guys! A few AU announcements:

  • Wednesday, June 8th, marks the day of the Phoenix launch, so it’s an international holiday. Because of course it is. The kids don’t have school that day yay! And guess what else? The unofficial unpopular popular girl, Taylor Baker, has no parents at home for a week. PARTY TIME. She will be throwing a party Tuesday evening, and her house is of course huge and in a vaguely secluded area. Invites were passed out today and tomorrow as discreetly as possible.

  • I’ll be including “memes” on the party post, but they’re really like IC party games. I think the only one that actively needs people to sign up to participate is spin the bottle. After you sign up, I’ll randomize 3-4 people that the bottle landed on for your character and include those on the party post. From there you can figure out if your character actually went through with kissing the other participants or not. Please sign up ASAP so I can include everyone in the randomizer.

  • Ballot time is upon us! On the ballot please add nominations for the prom court. Remember these should be done IC. King/Queen are seniors, Prince/Princess are junior.

  • Nominations are due by Thursday, June 9th and will be announced Friday.

That’s it for now I think! Sign up for spin the bottle before if you want.

<3 Rose



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Hey folks! Anyone want to do some mini-logs with me~? Like itty bitty scenes. I am not sure I have so much faith in myself to finish full logs by the dream date, but I want to do at least a bit in the AU and also this could work for non-AU stuff. I was thinking about the lying-on-the-floor scene Rose and I did with Lou and Adam a while back, stuff like that!

Some ideas: partnered for in-class assignments, horrible experiences in gym class, next to each other in line at lunch staring at the unholy creations of American public school cafeterias, lab partners, detention (we can get a group and do the breakfast club?), sitting alone at the lunch table, witnessing a disgusting prom invitation scene, etc.

Feel free to take any of these ideas / talk to each other about logging in the comments if you want :)



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Okay, so I only seem to go on slowatuses because of other people. But my husband stepped on something sharp in a lake yesterday, and we spent the night at the ER (blood everywhere! five stitches! panicked mother-in-law! canceling all our weekend plans! it's been a hoot) and I am pretty exhausted.

So, just to give myself some space to nap and watch corny movies, to you lovely people waiting for Ingrid tags: I might be a little slow for a day or two, until my creativity recovers.

EDIT (Sunday): Back at the ER for a second time because of probable infection, so yeah, will be slow for a little while longer.



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Okay. I'm home, it's Friday evening, I've had a shit day and a shitty weekend is possibly pending. I wanna have some fun so I'm starting the plot early. The high school AU is now active! Additional rules and clarifications have been added to this post and Jillian made this post to keep track of years and powers!

Have fun




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Hey, for my own sense of direction, can you please reply with the year of your character and powers y/n? I'll post a list under the cut!

Lists! )



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hey everyone! it's jun and i'm back from being checked out for like an entire month lmfao i'm so sorry. some of my rl stuff has settled down, so i'd like to get back into the swing of things. would anyone mind bringing me up to speed? is there anything i've missed or need to respond to? i'd also like some logs, so if anyone wants them with leo ([info]diamondize) lmk!

to-do list )