Sep. 17th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

mission: sonora, texas )

Sep. 7th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

This isn't really anyone's problem but my own, but my dad is suddenly interested in visiting, and what on earth am I supposed to do with him in Houston right now?! He hasn't left Sweden in...I don't even know, and now he suddenly wants to play tourist in the resistance capital of America?

(My theories so far: he's finally gone on a date and thinks to break it to me gently, my aunt reminded him he has a daughter and forced him to consider a visit, he has seen Houston on the news enough lately that it has subliminally affected his reasoning.)

How're y'all doing today?

Sep. 5th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

Sam's Town is performing tonight at the Czar's Palace for Labor Day.

We still have some unsold tickets if anyone's interested in attending. Just let me know or ask for me at the door and I'll be sure to get you a seat. Security's all mine, so if you were looking for a night away from current concerns, feel free.

Aug. 31st, 2016



[ No Subject ]

WHO: Alexander Malkin & Czar Palace employee's & customers.
WHAT: I'm bored and want to practice his voice. Alexander is at work adjusting from his trip away and watching Khan die! (KHAAAAAAAAAN!)
WHEN: Wednesday Evening.
WHERE: The Czar's Palace.
WARNINGS: Casual murder. And I'm just gonna pop things into italics when he's talking Russian, because I know only a few phrases and also it's not worth the effort and also I'm using Alexander and Sasha interchangeably, if that's confusing!

a little more conversation a little more action please )

Aug. 29th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

Psion Elijah had some things to show us. I uploaded to a Drive folder ([HERE]) and gave you all access. It involves the Drill Sergeant from [...], you know, so view at your own risk.


Why did you hide this

Are you leaving for good then?

I need those donuts.

Is Migs coming back?

Aug. 28th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

MILO has insisted I make you all aware that he misses you dearly. Because saying this to you was not enough, he also had 40 boxes of donuts delivered to HQ. You can see how this is irritating. Please eat them, it would be sad to see them go to waste on account of MILO's inability to properly calculate how many donuts the average human would consume in one sitting.

Aug. 27th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

I have returned from my trip to Russia. If you have anything you need from me, feel free to contact me directly or request me in the lobby of the Palace.

cut for gratuitous russia picture )

A picture from the trip, I told you all Russia is best. Russia is very beautiful this time of year, the past few months have been an excellent break from the Texas heat. The trip was mostly business, interrupted by that unpleasantness with Dr. Khan all over the news as I am sure you heard. I did not miss the weather here, but I have not had much news of you all.

What did I miss?

Interesting trip. I met with Khan before his death. What has been going on here?

Aug. 28th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

WHO: Adam Viereck, Beckett Viereck & Enid Saryan (NPC).
WHAT: Adam and Beckett try to hash things out with Enid.
WHEN: ... A while ago, I forgot to post it because I'm an idiot. 8/10.

If I see you again, I’ll have to kill you. )

Aug. 13th, 2016



[ No Subject ]


I’m contacting you all because [...]

Let me start again.
How are all of you doing? As you may have noticed, I’m contacting a select group of you, and that’s for a very specific reason. I believe this information is sensitive, and truthfully, I don’t know how to address it with you. You’re not required to have a reaction, or a response or and idea of what you want to do with it, if anything at all. I only wanted you to have it because I feel you are owed that much.

Since the relocation of Ethan Turner to a safer facility, we’ve been keeping tabs as best we can on the other former HDP scientists. The execution of Dr. Saad Khan still came as a surprise to us, given his MIA nature, but what’s most troubling is the frequent appearances of Dr. Delilah Moore in the last month. Several trusted sources globally have either reported direct sightings of her, or hearsay. Obviously, we can’t trust the hearsay, and nothing we’ve yet been given has been very indicative of anything suspect, however, it’s always troubling to us when dangerous people come out of hiding.

I [...] don’t know what else to say right now other than that we are monitoring her, but admittedly, since our public exposure in Malaysia our resources have been stretched.


Please promise to keep me informed if you decide to do something with this information.

Aug. 12th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

[1] okay miguela who did you kill
[2] time to fess up

[1] yo

[1] i heard you finally joined fights at la cantina

[1] who did miguela kill

Aug. 7th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

hey this weekend my gym managed to get one of the best power trainers in the country to come help us out. he's pretty neutral about all the loyalist/resistance stuff so uh, don't forget he's not one of us even though he's hosting a training class at my gym. anyway, the cool thing is he's a power manipulator or whatever, so if you want to come see what it feels like to be a class 3 and train that way or something, he can help. he'll be there friday - sunday so LMK if you want me to schedule something for you to work with him.


yo donut has migs been acting weird or is it just me? [...] also dude i've been hanging out with max all weekend and she hasn't been a nightmare.



[ No Subject ]

Out of town for a few days. Try not to frustrate PAUL too much. I had to talk him off the ledge last time I came back from a trip.


Can you plant sit again?


I'll be in New York for a few days. Stay out of trouble.


I'm going to try and talk to Enid.

Jul. 30th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

Got a car - going to Louisiana for the weekend. I'm not disappeared.


Mom got me tickets to all three games in September for the Cubs for my birthday.

Jul. 27th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

WHO: Jamie Kowalski and Adam Viereck
WHAT: Adam tries to pick Jamie up and Jamie shuts him down
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: La Cantina
STATUS: Complete log

Thought I’d have a few drinks, place a few bets, )

Jul. 26th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

Haven't actually introduced myself yet, so guess I'll do that even you all already know everything about me that you need to. Justin Poole, magnetic field manipulation.


You slept with all the girls here yet?

Jul. 25th, 2016



miguela semi-comes out of hiding; of aborted messages and partial info

[GROUP Text to Turtles Raf and Leo] [Texts to Raf]

[Text to Hero]
>>You busy?
>>God, I should've just stayed in playing video games

[...] [GROUP Turtle Text]
>> I left a file
>> Raf, don't freak out. And don't check the comm until

[...] [...] [Lux]

I need This is for Raf. I need a favor Look You Sooo, Elijah m
[Filter to Lux - aborted]

[Filter; HDP kids]
I saw Elijah. He didn't We didn' He didn't see me Skulking around. If you don't want him knowing that you're here since I, keep out of sight.

Jul. 24th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

WHO: Adam and Beckett Viereck
WHAT: The Viereck family reunion, which ends in a somewhat sinister kidnapping plan
WHEN: Right after the KL battle and after Adam's return from Mexico (late May and mid-June?)
WHERE: Safehouse 27 in Spain, Spirited Away/Steakout

Her voice was grating; his irritability was rising. )

Jul. 22nd, 2016



[ No Subject ]

WHO: Elijah Whitson (Psion - NPC) & Miguela Gonsalves.
WHAT: Oh hey didn't see you there. Totally wasn't following you...
WHEN: Backdated, Thursday 7/14.
WHERE: Comic book shop in Houston.
WARNINGS: Vague HDP talk.

She could kill them. Miguela knew it. )

Jul. 15th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

Good afternoon team,

If you haven't seen the news. [attached is a news clip]

"Residents in Moscow were greeted with a Loyalist raiding party early this morning when an apartment building was was stormed in search of former HDP scientist and known telepathic mutant, Saad Khan. Rather than being detained, Khan was dragged out into the street where he was violently executed by Warmonger. While Khan has not been visibly active in any anti-Titan movements since the Humanity Defense Project, sources do tie Khan to the events that took place in Kuala Lumpur, where several mutant terrorists attacked a mall. At this time, the execution is believed to have been staged as a warning to further rebellion efforts."

Jul. 12th, 2016



[ No Subject ]

Forget any tough Viking joke I ever made, I'm only half Viking anyway and I am melting. Was it this hot last year? Will it ever be cool again? And what if we run out of cold beer?

I'm making you breakfast tomorrow. Talking is optional.

You are back, right?

Didn't have your phone number, but

I thought of another activity that is fun, done in the dark and where you're unlikely to be recognised!