Apr. 13th, 2009


In the gym

Dario had his iPod going full blast and he was pumping some serious iron, mostly because there wasn't anything around to pump.

Ever since he'd checked in he'd been feeling a little weird, like somebody had put something funny in his drink. His heart rate was up, he was sweating, and his skin tingled. Going to the gym wasn't a way to relieve those symptoms so much as it was a way to give them reasons. It was like an exercise high, or how he felt when he went to a really good concert, or like a fucking fantastic first date. But it wasn't going away, so he had to do some exercise so he could imagine exercise was the reason.

His muscles glistened with sweat as he added twenty pounds to the weights, then pushed them to the sky. He'd do this, hit the showers and the sauna, and see if he felt any calmer.

i just picked up this pb and think he's so sexy he needs some action. open thread.