Apr. 20th, 2009


You had to be kidding.....

Someone was having a bit of fun with Cloud's nature.

He was in rather...interesting set of red-gold pants, reminding him of various harem pants in the movies he mocked with the family. And a glimpse in the mirror said that all along his back where feathers in what looked like...henna?

There were more patterns in the henna, all along his bare arms and chest. Not feathers, but swirling designs and hints of feathers and scales.

At least whoever hadn't messed with his tattoos.

The feathers in his hair, though....

Food first. Then murdering whoever had mess with him.

Apr. 6th, 2009


(this is a continuation from a thread at Fandom Dressing, it was a good excuse to get both these characters over.)

The door to the restrooms burst open in typical clichéd fashion, as restroom doors do when kicked. As the doors swung shut Vic glanced over his shoulder down at the captive blond he had flung over it, "and you would be able to see my ass through my coat wouldn't you, Superman?"

When he looked up at his surroundings again they had changed. While still a restroom, this was definitely not the kind of restroom he figured a dark dive bar would have.

"Huh, that's different," he spoke aloud as he paused to take in the bight and highly mirrored room. After another second or two to contemplate he just shrugged and headed for the largest stall there.