26 November 2011 @ 10:13 pm
Melanie & Franzi Icons  
My icons for the AWZ No 7 Femslash Ficathon

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[info]vitacrudelis inspired me because she posted her first fanfiction. <333
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Lilith: awz-frank[info]lilithilien on November 26th, 2011 09:40 pm (UTC)
Very nice icons, darling. I especially like what you've done to the third sparkly one. If only I cared at all about either of these characters...
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Aldi: AWZ: Nipples of Steel[info]aldiara on November 26th, 2011 10:13 pm (UTC)
Oh, purdy! Love the staring contest composition in the first one, and the colour of the purply-sparkly one. And Melanie is really pretty *shallows* (now, if this actually went canon, I might even peek into the show every once in a while, lol).
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Linda: AWZ - Annette is gorgeous[info]vitacrudelis on November 26th, 2011 10:18 pm (UTC)
Oooh, pretty! /shallow

I love the fierce stare and the last one is so sparkly! :DDD They are the only reason I'm remotely interested in CCshow.

(LOLwhut I inspired you? <333333)
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G[info]giorgiakerr on November 27th, 2011 12:07 pm (UTC)
Hahahahahahahaha, my first reaction was, "Wait. WhoTF is Melanie?" shortly followed by, "Ooh, pretty!"

I heart the last one!

And yes. IDGAF about these two, but I ship them now. Wot. I ship everyone. <333333333333333
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winterlover: AWZ - Flo Frank staring[info]winterlover on November 28th, 2011 08:37 pm (UTC)
Oh, very pretty! Especially the last one is very sparkly!
Now we need fic to go with it. Well, the deadline for the ficathon is not there yet, maybe I'll get an idea (not a promise).
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