18 September 2010 @ 03:48 pm
Fic: Not That Girl  
Title: Not That Girl
Pairing: Ben/Maximilian
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
Summary: "Ben supposes he should feel a bit guilty for leaving his new wife at home, alone, to come and see his previous lover."
A/N: OMG. IDEK. This is crappy comment!fic written for [info]giorgiakerr, then [info]aldiara told me to post to the asylum and I am powerless to say no to our totalitarian overlords. Also, the title is all Giorgia's fault and makes no sense without this song. (BTW, Giorgia, you are going to icon that, right? *grabby hands* <33333)

Ben leans against the doorway of the ballet room, watching Max's kendo moves intently. He can't even pretend he has a good excuse to be here tonight.

He supposes he should feel a bit guilty for leaving his new wife at home, alone, to come and see his previous lover. But all questions of loyalty leave his mind once Max catches his eye through the door. He lowers his weapon and brushes his hair back from his face as Ben enters the room.

"So. Back from your honeymoon then," Max observes. His tone is calm, conversational, but Ben knows him too well not to see the hint of hurt in his eyes.

"We arrived back today." Ben pauses. "I was going to wait until tomorrow to come to the Centre, but... I had to see you."

Max's lips curl up into a smirk. "Dissatisfied with your marriage so soon?"

Ben shakes his head and steps closer to Max, hesitantly taking his hand. "Don't be like that about it, this was your plan in the first place. Remember? And you said it wouldn't be a problem for us."

Max sighs and runs his free hand through his hair. "There is no problem, it's just..."

Ben grins. "You're jealous!"

"Marrying a Reichenbach is worth it," Max declares firmly.

"As you keep saying..." Ben lifts his other hand to Max's cheek, and his eyes glint playfully as he leans in to kiss him. "We'll just have to make the most of our moments together, then!"

Can you tell I didn't really know how to end it? *g* I assume your imaginations can fill in the porn I'm incapable of writing what happens next.
Current Mood: amused
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[info]samedy on September 18th, 2010 07:24 am (UTC)
LOL Max's kendo moves amuses me to no end. So serious and zen. And I'm with Ben. Who doesn't like a lover who is a little jealous? Makes for good sex.

This is awesome! I loved it.
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amberbluebell: AWZangrykendo[info]amberbluebell on September 18th, 2010 07:41 am (UTC)
YAYAYAY!!! THANK YOU! (I love Max's kendo. Even more after reading this. "To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor. To associate with others with sincerity." Max in a nutshell, yes? *G*)
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