
Welcome to IJ!

Welcome, newcomers!

This is an asylum for new IJ users to post who they are and be welcomed into the IJ community. :) Its a great way to make friends and get to know others.

Not sure what to write? Check out our profile for ideas on how to write an introductory post.


December 15th, 2012

So I'm a newbie

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To ALL of the journals. I'm not young, just sheltered in the ways of sites. I tend to read, not register, so you may be flattered by my presence! Oh gosh I am so confused by all the settings and everything.... HALLO STRANGE PEOPLE, NICE TO BE STALKED BY YA.
My bio says I joined because I have weird dreams and my life is screwy. TAKE IT HOW YOU WILL.
Nice to meetcha again, drop me a message!

September 21st, 2012


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I'm definitely not new to blogging, but new to IJ. I rant and bitch about my life, but it's a lot more interesting than you'd think. I'm always looking for people to talk to. I know my bio has next to nothing in it at the moment, but I'm slowly working on that.

March 16th, 2011

I'm New

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Hi all :)
I'm new to IJ. A long time ago I had a greatestjournal, and I was absolutely religious about updating it- every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. Then GJ died (may it rest in peace D:) so I've been jumping from site to site but have yet to find one that I really like. I decided to try IJ because GJ directed everyone to this website a long time ago, and a friend of mine reccomended IJ. I love that it's almost identical to greatest journal. 
Anyways, my name is Meghan, and I'm a 20 year old college student with a pretty boring life. Most of my posts are ramblings about my life, and me gushing about my dog. I love reading other people's journals, just to see what other people are up to in their lives. So if you would like an extra reader, feel free to add me :).


December 31st, 2009


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I'm new here. Well, sort of. A few months old, actually. I think.
I've been kinda busy; and I will be busy for the next fortnight - curse those confounded things we call exams - which is why I haven't had much time to do well, anything.
As of now, I have no idea what I'm going to do here.
But I am sure that:
a. It's going to be insane (This isn't called INSANE Journal for nothing, & besides, we're ALL loopy, anyway.).
b. I'll get around to figuring out what it is eventually (No one got enlightenment overnight!).

That was the insane half of my character. :)
The duller half isn't around right now, which is why I'm taking liberties and capitalizing on his absence. He has a read-only policy, you see...

That's that.

August 20th, 2009


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Hey newcomers, hows it going?

Just reminder to check out these asylums to make your way around:
[info]asylum_promo - the IJ official asylum promotion asylum.
[info]announcements - the latest IJ news
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