Jan. 8th, 2013


WHO: Padraig, George and Darerca
WHAT: A re-soulenated Padraig is having a Moment
WHEN: After Patrick is resoulenated
WHERE: Padraig's farm
WARNINGS: Talk of torture and horribleness

Fate is a cruel mistress )

Jan. 4th, 2013


Who: George, Evil!Padraig
Where: Padraig's farm (of evil?)
When: Sometime after George and Darerca get out of the hospital
What: Answering some questions

Dec. 26th, 2012


WHO: Patrizio (Italian Patrick), Padraig, George and Darerca
WHAT: So much badness (We wear the AU, it does not wear us. Okay this is a lie.)
WHEN: After Dee and George leave the safehouse (LINK WILL GO HERE, LARA)
WHERE: George's house, London
WARNINGS: All the warnings. Death, torture, language, upset, badness, and a partridge in a pomegranate tree. Fuck I love pomegranates.

Like a horcrux )

Dec. 20th, 2012


Who: George, Darerca, Saint Columba (NPC), Evil!Padraig
Where: Northern Ireland, at the house Padraig is being held at
When: A few weeks after George and Darerca arrive at Dee's island home.
What: Seeing Padraig again
Warnings: Padraig being a big jerk, talk of torture, tba

Dec. 10th, 2012


WHO: Saint Darerca, Saint George, and for a split second, an evil!Padraig
WHAT: A unlikely rescue
WHEN: A day after the last mini-thread here. Early January, 2010 in the Evil AU time line.
WHERE: Padraig's Dublin home
WARNINGS: Talk of death and torture.

What the hell did he do to you?! )

Dec. 8th, 2012


WHO: English!George and Evil!Padraig
WHAT: After finding out Patrick sold his soul, English George comes to tell Padraig and finds something he didn't count on
WHEN: After Patrick's soul went bye-bye
WHERE: Padraig's Dublin house
WARNINGS: Language, possible violence

If one falls, they all fall )