Mar. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Wrath, Saint Patrick and Saint George
WHAT: Being rescued by Wrath (eventually I'll write him being taken but not into it yet)
WHEN: Near the beginning of the chaos, Patrick has been taken prisoner
WHERE: Eventually George's safe house
WARNINGS: Blood, badness, and a Sin

Bowls of Wrath )

Mar. 20th, 2013


Who: George, David
When: The end of days, baby
Where: The police-state ruins of New York
What: Demon killing, people-rescuing. The family business

Feb. 10th, 2013


WHO: Evil!Patrick and George
WHAT: George witnesses something not so nice, "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!" etc.
WHEN: Before his re-soulenation
WHERE: A creepy building
WARNINGS: Torture, badness and death

Prayer to Saint George )

Jan. 8th, 2013


WHO: Padraig, George and Darerca
WHAT: A re-soulenated Padraig is having a Moment
WHEN: After Patrick is resoulenated
WHERE: Padraig's farm
WARNINGS: Talk of torture and horribleness

Fate is a cruel mistress )

Jan. 4th, 2013


Who: George, Evil!Padraig
Where: Padraig's farm (of evil?)
When: Sometime after George and Darerca get out of the hospital
What: Answering some questions

Dec. 26th, 2012


WHO: Patrizio (Italian Patrick), Padraig, George and Darerca
WHAT: So much badness (We wear the AU, it does not wear us. Okay this is a lie.)
WHEN: After Dee and George leave the safehouse (LINK WILL GO HERE, LARA)
WHERE: George's house, London
WARNINGS: All the warnings. Death, torture, language, upset, badness, and a partridge in a pomegranate tree. Fuck I love pomegranates.

Like a horcrux )

Dec. 20th, 2012


Who: George, Darerca, Saint Columba (NPC), Evil!Padraig
Where: Northern Ireland, at the house Padraig is being held at
When: A few weeks after George and Darerca arrive at Dee's island home.
What: Seeing Padraig again
Warnings: Padraig being a big jerk, talk of torture, tba

Dec. 12th, 2012


WHO: Irish!Darerca and UK!George
WHAT: Bonding over Evil!Padraig because omfg
WHEN: Late Januaryish in evil AU timeline (after this)
WHERE: Dareca's house on the west coast of Valentia Island, Ireland. Photos {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
WARNINGS: ? TBA but must likely just talk or torture. You know, not much. Pfft.

Island Life )

Dec. 10th, 2012


WHO: Saint Darerca, Saint George, and for a split second, an evil!Padraig
WHAT: A unlikely rescue
WHEN: A day after the last mini-thread here. Early January, 2010 in the Evil AU time line.
WHERE: Padraig's Dublin home
WARNINGS: Talk of death and torture.

What the hell did he do to you?! )

Dec. 8th, 2012


WHO: English!George and Evil!Padraig
WHAT: After finding out Patrick sold his soul, English George comes to tell Padraig and finds something he didn't count on
WHEN: After Patrick's soul went bye-bye
WHERE: Padraig's Dublin house
WARNINGS: Language, possible violence

If one falls, they all fall )

Nov. 5th, 2012


Who: George, Clio
Where: Clio's place in Florida
When: Long after Patrick's re-soulenation
What: 'Patrick needs you :|'


Who: George, Satan
Where: Hell
When: Part of the Evil!Patrick Saga
What: Retrieving Patrick's soul

Jul. 19th, 2012


Who: Michael and George (and maybe more depending on how we split the threads up)
What: Hatching a plot
When: A week or so after Saint David's demise by Evil!Patrick
Where: George and Sebastian's
Notes: We're just playing out one option in this evil!AU. If you feel like it, you can continue writing in the evil!AU world and disregard this particular story option!

We need to shove his soul into his body now. )


WHO: Previously!Evil!Patrick, George
WHAT: Sadness and sad brothers and sad clowns
WHEN: Sometime after Patrick was re-souled and David was put back together
WHERE: A tiny, sad little flat Michael is renting for Patrick
WARNINGS: Discussions of Evil!Patrick's gross acts, and nearly attempted suicide.

Everything sucks )


WHO: Evil!Patrick and poor George
WHAT: Just a casual run-in with a soulless brother
WHEN: In the Evil!Saints AU back before Patrick killed David and George went to Hell to get his soul back, George and Patrick randomly ran into each other.
WHERE: A bar, where else!?
WARNINGS: Oh, swears, Patrick talking about drugging people and sexual assault, probably violence and Patrick being an impossible prick.

Leave me alone, I'm trying to pull! )


Who: FormerlyEvil!Patrick, George, Michael (not George Michael) and David
What: Some assembly required
When: After this
Where: FormerlyEvil!Patrick's formerly evil squat!
Warnings: Well David starts out in pieces know, that. Also my bad jokes.

I fall to pieces )


Who: Patrick, Michael, and George
What: You have been re-soulenated
When: After George's re-emergence from Hell
Where: Evil!Patrick's grotty apartment
Warnings: Probably swearsies and ickiness. And Evil!Patrick's lady of the night.

Burn me up )


Who: Evil!Patrick, George
What: Uhm. I really love Evil!things... So here is a reunion after torture.
When: A year and some after this.
Where: Central Park
Warning: Language? Memory of torture? Simply be wary and if it gets ooky, we'll tell ya!

It's been a while )