April 9th, 2009

[info]silenceisgolden in [info]neogenesisrpg

Who: Jason Song, Dan Hoffman
What: Another morning spent in bed; talking.
When: Monday, April 6th, morning
Where: Dan's apartment
Rating: NC-17 at the start, PG-13 for the rest
Status: Complete

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[info]suchiana in [info]neogenesisrpg

Guitar Heroes

Who: Suchiana Hirsch and Alex Renshaw
What: Video game shopping!
When: Tuesday, April 7th, afternoon
Where: A video game store in a mall in Seattle
Rating: PG-13 for language

The moment you start analyzing your own rock is the moment your rock is dead. That's why rock is now pretty much dead. Too much analyzation. No rockalyzation! - Tenacious D )