October 13th, 2012





Welcome back, godlings, Khaos has missed you all...

Time: From October 12th (11:59 PM EST) to October 16th (11:59 PM EST)

Location: Everywhere

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Upon waking up (or if your character is not asleep then by accident) everyone will be greeted by a small fairy perched nearby. This fairy may be male or female (entirely up to you) and will follow your character around for the duration of this event. Swat at them, attempt to trap them or worse, they will prove to be nimble and clever to escape that intent. They will endure and remember it. Note the color of your fairy as well because it will matter. All of them begin in a pleasing brown-themed look.

If one is decent enough to these small creatures, the fairies will help out their reincarnated pal. Carry over a mug of tea (they are tougher than they appear), curl up in your character's hands to warm them (they are magical), offer sympathetic noises (they can't speak human languages, after all). Regrettably, at night, their natures will sour, their color shifting to orange. They might pull on hair (especially nose hair), screech in ears or scrawl on the walls using whatever they can find. In short, they'll behave like spoilt brats that can't be controlled or caught. By morning, however, they'll be sweet again.

However, these fairies can go from mischievous to wicked with one simple action. Should a character swat or attempt to do something against them, even by accident, that fairy will have a chance of heart. A mistreated fairy can never go back to being good.

So, godlings, if you haven't been good to your visitor, the mistreated fairies will prove themselves harmfully mischievous through out the day. Their pranks during the day, such as making strange and undesirable texts to your contacts, shutting down your computer or laptop while you're working and putting your car in reverse while you're at a light, are annoying but not overly dangerous. At night though wicked fairies are at their worse, they'll grow into something truly evil, deaf to any apology and numb to any idea of mercy. They'll find ways to see you fall down a flight of steps, will sever brake lines in cars, tip over lit candles and more. Their intent will be to do real damage unlike the well-treated fairies.

Unlike other fairies, the these wicked fairies will be red in color day and night, while the normal fairies will be brown during the day and orange at night.

The player is free to pick out personalities for their fairies as well as the good and bad that will come from having one.

tl'dr; you all have fairies, don't piss them off, or you'll break something. Normal fairies are brown during the day, orange at night; wicked fairies are red all the time.

Questions, comments, thoughts are all welcome below. ♥